Author Topic: Any updates regarding LB EX?  (Read 64809 times)

Offline TheRedGoblin

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2014, 08:21:53 am »
That's rather assholeish of you dontcha think? They don't have an obligation to make any patch, they're using their own time, which they could instead use for more useful activities like school or having fun, so we have no right to demand or complain about their progress. Yes having weekly or even monthly updates would be reassuring and nice but we can't decide that, rather than point out the lack of progress just because you're not satisfied you could use your time to learn Japanese so you wouldn't need 'reliable' translators. See how TGES was polite enough to ask for any info and even thanked Roku for the answers he got, not saying that you should say please and thank you but a little more consideration would be nice yeah?

How is it being an asshole? He was told that the equivalent of "it'll be done when it's done" is a reliable answer, when the last time somebody tried to pulll that we waited over a decade for massive disappointment. Just because they aren't being paid that doesn't negate the fact that the project would be considered dead without Roku confirming its activity (or lack thereof). We have the right to complain about their progress because we desire progress to be made by the people who told us it would be. Having ANY updates would be nice, but we're getting nothing regarding actual progress.
Although to be fair, Doki does have a reputation on VNDB for being slow to translate.

Offline De Kus

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2014, 09:16:47 pm »
I don't think arguing here like that will motivate anyone to continue translating this amazing game. It's really a pity that even after moving the project in the hope of being able to continue here with more people on the project doesn't show any progress (at least to the outworld).

I know most people working on such stuff want to make a work of high quality and knowing how much a machine translation ruins the atmosphere of a game, I can also understand that goal. But if time is lacking I'd sometimes wish they'd rather finish first the first translation of the script and then continuing with reviewing and proof reading. Well I just hope you guys don't get discouraged by those offensive words written all over. Just know that you always have my gratitude by even working on this project at all! *looks at his calendar at the wall* yep, I am looking forward to this game... whatever year it will be!

Offline SuperWaffleNinja

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2014, 06:48:04 pm »
See now your ''reliable answers'' Tengu? months later and even they don't check this forum anymore, even the forum is dead.
Also, this is reliable information, 0 lines in 1 year

That's rather assholeish of you dontcha think? They don't have an obligation to make any patch, they're using their own time, which they could instead use for more useful activities like school or having fun, so we have no right to demand or complain about their progress. Yes having weekly or even monthly updates would be reassuring and nice but we can't decide that, rather than point out the lack of progress just because you're not satisfied you could use your time to learn Japanese so you wouldn't need 'reliable' translators. See how TGES was polite enough to ask for any info and even thanked Roku for the answers he got, not saying that you should say please and thank you but a little more consideration would be nice yeah?

It's true that they aren't obligated to us to give us a translation but you also can't deny that people will lose there patience after 3 years waiting.