Looks like about time I opened up the
Doki Legion mail bin... What do we have here?
when will this be available?
Hi Clannad_92. We will not release a timetable for the project's completion, as the effort required to complete Tomoyo After with exceptional quality is significant and time consuming. I don’t think there’s much debate that this is the most ambitious & time intensive project Doki has yet worked on. Rest assured, everyone’s patience will be rewarded when our complete patch is released.
I was just thinking that I could try to translate some parts if you need a translator. I cannot say that I'm fluent in Japanese yet, been living and studying here in Japan for 1 and half year and can read and speak more or less fluently but my vocabulary isn't the biggest. So if you want someone to give it a try just send me a mail ok?
Your offer is appreciated. At this time, we are moving along with the project with an experienced team. I would encourage you to talk to Holo, Ix, or Dys if you would like to help out as a TL at Doki. We're always happy to accept help from members of our community.
any chance that this will work with ME?
Either you mean Windows Millennium Edition or you're talking about Tomoyo After Memorial Edition. Since Windows Millennium is old and awful, you must be talking about the memorial edition.
The initial patch to be released will work only on the initial release of the game. In total three main PC versions of the game were released: the Original, CE, and Memorial versions. As the routes & structure of the CE and Memorial versions differ from that of the Original, a straight up overlap patch is not possible. However, if interest is great enough for a translation patch of the other versions of the game, it will be looked into.
Can't wait for completion
I lurv clannad
I'm quite the fan myself.

Beta Tester Here XD
Cant Wait!!!
Go Doki 
I see your name and all I can think of is Nyan-Cat. Nat.. Nyat.. Natynyan nat.. Nyanat.. Nyan Cat!
So sorry. Temporary dyslexia. I'll get over it.