Author Topic: How to - Mux in extra audio.  (Read 23249 times)

Offline ixlone

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How to - Mux in extra audio.
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:49:24 pm »
Some times we will release an audio file, often an English dub. You may want to mux it into your release as the primary track, or even as the only track. Here is how...

Start off by downloading mkvtoolnix, version 4.0 is the best version to use. Install it and then open the mkvmergeGUI.

Now drag your file into the top part of the program where it says "Input files:"

You will see it lists the file parts, and type of file. In this case video first, audio second and subtitles third. So in order to add the new audio drag your new audio file into the input box. If you plan on removing the old audio track uncheck the box next to it as seen in the picture below, if you plan on keeping both audio channels leave both boxes checked.

Now you have your new audio in place, you have the option of filling in the boxes at the bottom. For example...

Track name: FLAC (2Ch)
Language: English

Important: If you plan on just having one audio track you are now finished. Select the subtitle option and set the default track flag to yes. If you do not do this the subs will need to be manually turned on every time you plan the file. Click the start muxing box at the bottom and you are finished.

If on the other hand you are planning on keeping both audio files  you will need to decide on which track you want to keep as the primary track. Once you decide do the same as you did with the subtitle file above, select the default track flag and set the option to yes to ensure your chosen audio plays. Then change the other audio channels default track flag to no. You are now done and can click the start muxing button at the bottom.

Note: It's worth mentioning that if you take audio from different sub groups/sources such as TV or BD your audio may not sync up correctly, so i'd recommend only using audio provided by the group who did the main file.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 10:41:35 am by ixlone »