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Topics - Tousen

Pages: [1]
Doki Fansubs / WebHosting?
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:18:25 pm »

Where do you host your main domain ,the ""? what about the files for IRC downloading service?

Do you use a dedicated server for both or a shared one for the "" and a dedicated for the IRC downloads or what?

(Do you get any trouble with copy rights and such crap?)

Sorry for the sudden rain of questions but where ever I go around reading in WebHosting and FileHosting policies I see hell a lot of crazy stuff and that it might lead to the dropping of the contract and the money ,no matter how much it is, (going "水の泡") goes to waste without refunds. I have been looking for an answer for a while now but found nothing.

It would be great if Holo-san or someone could answer me.


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