Author Topic: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC  (Read 278439 times)

Offline Hollow nyan-chan

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2011, 01:29:09 pm »
Lissa gets along with Jimmy a bit more than others since they are around the same age, but she doesn't dislike anyone in their team either.
She tries so solve the conflicts in the team when they occur. Lissa is easy to get along with but hard to anger.
She isn't too uncomfortable with that the team only consists of men except her because she can defend herself if they try something. She may be a girl but she is still dangerous and frightening.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 02:28:08 pm by Hollow nyan-chan »

Offline Krozam

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2011, 01:54:10 pm »
Since we already have more players that I expected to get, a strict turn system might not be viable at this point. I've worked out a set of exceptions, when you can post even if it's not your turn:
- If the one whose turn it is hasn't posted in 24 hours and it isn't crucial that he does, we'll delay the turn, change the turn order.
- If someone's unconscious or says OOC that he has nothing to do with his turn, we'll naturaly skip the turn.
- If you're engaged in dialogue with a limited number of other characters, it makes no sense to wait, just hold to the turn order among those who are engaged in the dialogue.
- Same goes for duels and such, when the rest of the group just watches from the sidelines.
- If the party splits up into, say, two groups, then those groups will have their own turn order which ignores the other group.
- If you're controlling an NPC and it makes sense for you to move that character outside your own turn, go ahead. This rule will be often invoked by me, the GM, since I'll be controlling the majority of the NPC's.
- If someone disappears without a word, I'll play his character out of the game. Please don't disappear.

More may be added if I, or someone else, come up with other sensible exceptions.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 07:28:34 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Offline SootShade

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2011, 03:56:29 pm »
Name: Acan Moread
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Race: Human

Appearance: There's little special in Acan's looks. He carries himself well, but his short black hair is already starting to show the signs of age. He stands quite tall, but his slight figure hardly raises respect in this regard either. His face shows really sharp features, highlighted by how his skin seems as if badly stretched in order to cover him. Maybe due to this, his dark, green eyes never seem to be able to give up on their wary look, even when Acan is relaxed. His skin is quite pale, due to his heritage. He has quite an untidy stubble on his chin. All in all he seems a little less pleasant company than he actually is.

Acan's clothing is strictly professional and mostly covered by his light armor made of dark leather. Over it he does carry a chainshirt when prepared for combat.

Personality: Acan is hardly social, but he's not all that unpleasant company if you get past his unwelcoming looks. He can be quite a cynic if he's not slept well enough, but he usually tries to at the very least avoid insulting anyone. Which isn't really hard for him, for he's comfortable in just about any company. He doesn't like just anyone, but you'll have to make quite an effort to make him actually dislike you. He's surprisingly happy with everyone on the team, even the ones that might have negative attitudes to him. Similarly, he's calm in just about any situation. He's good at convincing himself that he's seen worse whenever he sees anything upsetting.

Special Abilities: Acan is extremely dangerous with his crossbow, but it's not the reason he's part of the group. He's there to kill mages. His own magical power is very limited, but he's developed a skill to convert it to very advanced forms. He's specialized in disrupting the magic of other mages. He doesn't have the ability to compete with anyone in a head on in this matter, but he's capable of very complicated tricks to destroy the very fabric of the magic he's faced with, disrupting the mage's control of it.

Items of Interest: Carries a very large crossbow, clearly his most formidable tool for this work. It might not be the very largest weapon of the type that a grizzled veteran has seen, but it still seems quite massive for how effortlessly Acan seems to use it.

History: There's nothing special about Acan's childhood. He grew up in quite a large town in a small kingdom, in a family of low class workers. Nothing special about the town either, at least until Acan reached the age of thirteen. Around that time the town welcomed a new priesthood, the servants of a young but quite an ambitious god. While the arguments of gods were often quite a bit of trouble for humans, this god was way more involved with the world of mortals than might be seen as normal. He wasn't afraid of lending his servants his full strength as long as he could expect to gain something from it.
   As Acan grew up to a young man the power of the priesthood quickly took over the control of the town. While there was nothing particularly wrong in what they preached, they got way too involved in the worldly affairs. A few of the god's foremost followers were eager to abuse their power to further, not only their god's, but also their own control, while others were completely fanatical. It didn't take long until just about everything in the town and near it had to somehow be devoted to this god's new found might.
   At first Acan cared little about it, but in time it simply went too far. People who dared to voice any disagreement with the priests were silenced, at which point the townsfolk started getting really wary of them. But at that point there was basically nothing to stop them from getting involved in everything in the town. In time it came to a point where a priest's word was simply the law, and none of the priests knew the word 'law'.
   That, of course, didn't happen unopposed. It wasn't rare for a priest to be found with his throat cut in some alley. Which was answered brutally by the priesthood. Such struggle continued for long, but there was simply no way to get rid of the priesthood now that their god possessed much greater power. However, Acan did things differently, and far more efficiently, as was his way. He had acquired much better chances for doing something about the situation because of an unexpected ally. For quite a few years had the young man been trained by and old mage with quite a bit of power. The fact that a mage of his level was even alive in the town where everything deemed able to threaten the priesthood was usually eliminated quickly, was quite surprising. The problem was that they weren't quite ready to engage in an all out magical war which would have likely blown up a good part of the town. Neither side could engage each other directly, and were forced to look for other ways. The old mage happened to turn out luckier in that, since he had Acan.
   Acan was fit and capable young man, as well as certainly willing at the point they had come to. He didn't have the ability to use magical power in any great quantity, but that wasn't what one needed. A mortal to match the power of a god was... hard to find. Instead, Acan showed ability in many other things. It took years, but in time he was well capable of more than surviving the magical power the priests could throw at him, with his quite advanced way of converting his normally weak magical power. Yet he couldn't do anything with just that. He had to become a mage killer. He had never thought of killing one at that point of his live, mind you, but he had to be able to kill a lot of people with massive magical power to shield themselves with. As such he was prepared with various other skills and items, like with a crossbow, though not as large one as he the one he carries today.
   And then, after many years he decided to act. In one night he slaughtered almost the whole priesthood, even though he was faced with massive odds. In one night, and then Acan was done and put a close to the last almost ten years of his live. Or so he thought.

In truth Acan has never escaped that single night. He's in peace with the fact that his actions weren't entirely morally justifiable, but after such a show he is still known and feared. Ironically, he never wanted to kill a single simple magician even with his skills, yet he was pushed to it by mages, who perceived him as a danger. First he had to kill the man who had taught him all those years, for the mage was terrified by what he had done after his apprentice had practically just about killed a god, and tried to bury his mistake by simply killing Acan. These two things alerted every capable magician near the town. Who died soon too.
   Acan did his best to escape this. He enlisted to several armies and quite a few mercenary companies. But he never could. After half a dozen years of this he was quite infamous and in the end he found himself considering the people so terrified of him no more worthy than the priesthood he slaughtered. And so he decided grimly to give them a reason for their terror; through the last dozen years before joining this current bunch he killed quite a few mages, many of them quite formidable. Money can be earned in many ways, and he had one very few others could utilize. He has nothing against mages and priests in general, funnily enough, but he's come to realize it doesn't matter as long as they have so much to hold against him. And so he's with the Wings of Hall for one simple reason: To kill mages for a pay.

(I might have got a little carried away with the character's history, just after whining that I had nothing to write in it to my brother (Krozam)... And it's not really even half of what I wanted to write. :P)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 04:32:47 pm by SootShade »

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2011, 05:50:59 pm »
The character is fine. An interesting history, I recommend everyone read it, even if it is a little long.

I decided to up my character's ability a little, a swordmaster instead of just being skilled. We have so many monstrous ki-users and other strong people, he was threatened to get overshadowed, and since he's the leader everyone's supposed to respect at least a little, I couldn't allow that. :P - anime | reviews
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Offline Hollow nyan-chan

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2011, 05:54:03 pm »
So now we have warriors, scout, sapper, 1 super powered mage that gets tired easily, i'd say we need a mage that ain't that powerful but can keep up casting lots of spells :P

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2011, 06:19:57 pm »
What we need is high-powered magic artillery. Nex is knowledgeable and in theory also powerful, but he's a last option -kind of guy, we can't use him all the time. Nicolaos and Acan can cast spells more easily, but they lack raw power. We need someone who can throw around huge fireballs but lacks the skill to do any complicated magic, and is weak if someone gets close.

But, I suppose we'll have to settle with the enemy having no such advantage either (since we have a mage-killer in the group). - anime | reviews
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2011, 08:45:12 pm »
Name:Estia Barackson
Age:68 (The equivalent of ~19 years compared with human lifespans)
Appearance: Medium Height and thin, 5'8" at 140lb, Medium length silver-white hair usually tied in a pony tail. Deep turquoise eyes with a small nose and lips. Clothed in simple clothing of the time, conservative and non-revealing. Made from light, soft but strong fabric with pastel tones, particularly light cyan trimmed with magenta. Wears a silver amulet shaped like a tree with boughs and roots showing intertwined around a blue sapphire crystal which emits a soft blue glow.

Personality: Reserved but friendly. Doesn't outwardly approach others, but will respond when spoken to. Holds high honor to someone's word. Intelligent but not book-smart. Likes to stay away from the heat of the battle and look for ways to avoid bloodshed. Tries to avoid killing things as much as possible. A vegetarian who will eat meat if necessary. Won't back down from a challenge

Special Abilities: Trained in archery since a very young, extremely skilled. Started adding spells to arrows after her mother introduced it to her, still getting the hang of it. Excels in water, light and air spells. Has trouble with Dark and earth spells. Decent with fire. Has extensive knowledge of plants and can use them for healing, but has no experience with healing magic. [Could be used in tandem with magic healing for more efficient heals, possibly interested in learning]

Items of Interest: A bow crafted from a sacred yew tree, allows for further and more accurate shots. An amulet from her mother, can be tapped into for magic, takes a long time to recharge. An essentially bottomless quiver enchanted by the assassins guild, given to her by her father. The Quiver works by pulling arrows that have already been shot by her to be used again. It can run out if she breaks the arrows, so new ones must be added eventually.

History: Born to middle class family, had two younger brothers that she took care of. Mother was a healer in the elvish guild, father was a bowman in the assassins guild. Left home when she was 60 to explore the world, met up with the group 7 years later after running into them somewhere. Quickly made friends with Lissa Dragomier and thinks of Maria like a strong female figure to look up to.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:53:43 am by SpringHalo »

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2011, 09:13:11 pm »
Right... I like the the character, but I have a few minor issues with it:

1) 19 is very young for a long-lived race like elves. Barely in her teens, I'd say. Then again, nobody said elves need to be long-lived in this world, we could have them live around as long as humans and develop at the same pace. Your choice, since yours is the only elven character.

2) Normal herbal healing in a world where healing magic exists is next to useless, at least when it comes to wounds and with people who don't have time to wait for the wounds to heal. Since they contain magic, an alchemist or a mage could draw out their magic and use it for healing, but you say your character has no experience with healing magic...

3) Ki cannot be stored, at least anywhere else but a living body. Magic can, so you can still have the amulet, it just won't work for ki.

4) A bottomless quiver? As in one that will never run out of arrows? Now, I'm not saying you can't have it, and I'm not saying it's impossible with the magic system, but you better have a good explanation on how it works.

5) Who's Maria? The second character Infinity is planning?

On an unrelated note, great sig... Tayutama was pretty good, except for the ending.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 09:22:47 pm by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2011, 10:53:47 pm »
I'm planning a second character?
I could try I guess... The Maria thing was more of a suggestion for a name. The Maria I deleted was a character that was not in sync with this worlds magic...
I didn't like all those pics in my sig...

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2011, 11:06:21 pm »
We could always work out another kind of magic. Trust me, this system is very versatile, you can do many interesting things. We could discuss it with PM's?

Halo, are you going to do something about the unfinished part? Also, you can remove the red text once you've done your edits.

We'll start the RP tomorrow, I'm too tired to write up the opening post now.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 11:08:31 pm by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2011, 12:05:12 am »
I noticed something. Some characters are convinced they're the best at something.

Who has actual control over the fighting abilities? I'm assuming Krozam.

As for relationships, he despises the Cathairs underhanded ways, hates Harolds split personality, hates Nicolas's once in a while preaching of Hall, hates Darwins over played charisma...

I could keep going but the premise is that Setsuna still hasn't learned to see the good in people, being Isolated most of his life, so he inwardly despises most of the guild, highly respects some, and openly disrespects Cathairs when the chance presents itself. His tpungue is made of sharp silver (Metaphor)

Since I said I was doing a second character, I will. Dealz with it. I think I'll stick to personality with this one. And maybe a healer.

Name: Maria Cyan
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Race: Human

First Spoiler in signature.

Personality -- (Going for the motherly type. Not that a mercenary group needs a mother but... Maybe when Nex needs someone to scold the others)

Tends to look out for the females of the group. Not that they need it. Someone to watch over the group from a distance and take action only when needed.

While the knife says otherwise, she's actually a healer. The knife with a soul floating out is actually a good friend of hers who wants to be called George. He can sense the life energy of people and tell her if someones sick, hurt, dead, etc. Using George to pinpoint the point of pain (P.O.P) she uses divine magic to cure an ailment, mend broken bones. She's pretty good but she can't yet bring someone completely back from the brink of death. She can keep you alive until you get back from that point though, so no worries. Although she's the devil in disguise to anyone who hates medicine.

She was born in the midst of civil war. Her family hid inside a forest during the early stages of her life. Before she could fully even say her mothers name, the war took her family away. She was left for dead when an old, caring, man came along to take care of her. But this wasn't any old man. This man was one of the revered masters of magic, out on a walk looking at the devastation the civil war had brought to the country. He brought her up in his study where she was surrounded by books on the essence and source of magic. He noticed her affinity while reading those books, and at the age of 10, officially asked her to become his pupil, to 'Carry on his way' as he had said. She learned that her master followed the teachings of the goddess Ilrion, a god of nature who had a large amount of followers, many of them revered healers. Following in his footsteps she began training to pull a small amount of Ilrion's power for healing purposes.

Training for ten years, she finally achieved the right to call her a magical healer at the age of 22. She won't speak of what happened in between, but you can pick out something along the lines of 'Teenage Love Angst' trouble.

Setting off to make a name of herself after gaining the title, she headed out north. During the second week, she was stuck in a brutal storm. As she was near a small mountain range, finding a cave to shelter herself was easy. That's where she met 'George' her talking, soul infused knife. At first, she was surprised at why a knife had a lost soul in it. She soon came to accept that it was what it was.

She and George traveled the world until finally meeting Nicolas, a man who asked her to join his mercenary group as a healer. She already knew of both the good and bad deeds an assassin's group could do, and after deciding Nicolas was a 'Good young man', she joined. Along with George, who to this day, has become the witty, humored, insulting character of the group. He's talkative, and only Maria can really stand him.

Items of Interest
The Knife.
Her hood is actually the blanket she was found wrapped in when her master found her.
The bracelet on her left hand. It's just a simple charm that holds some magic power in case she needs extra.


Harold Bjornson: Oogles over his trust in people. Her somewhat hidden distrust in people is part of this.
Nicolas Karenz: Wishes he were older... But since she isn't, treats him like a younger friend outside of missions.
Darwin Roday: Admires his constant training to become stronger. Always their to give him a push.
Lissa Dragomier: She's like a daughter to her. If the guild is hurt, she always runs up to her and Estia to make sure they're all right. "Being men, they can wait."
Nex Addo: She finds him to be the vast wealth of knowledge he is. She just wishes he didn't act like an old man during the groups downtime.
Setsuna Ando: Can't understand why he can't talk to her very well. Then again, he's like that around all woman...
Ishman: Doesn't like his 'You're all my servants' attitude. Treats him like the rebellious teenager of the group.
Cathair: While she will admit he's vulgar, she admires the mans determination and tactical prowess. Won't hesitate to follow his orders.
Jimmy 'Kage' Kuneto: He seems to mysterious to her. But she treats him with the respect he deserves.
Acan Moread: She won't admit it but she's smitten by the man just for his politeness. Just wishes he didn't sometimes have the urge to kill her as she was a mage.
Estia Barckson: Treats her as the 'pure, innocent little girl' of the group. Will always take a hit for her if she can. And she expects everyone else to do so.
Aidan Donovan am Delian: She likes him. Treats him like a little brother. She also wants him and Cathair to 'Get along'.

This is my much improved version of Maria Cyan! If you (Krozam) have any problems with her, please tell me and I'll fix them. I'm guessing the biggest problem will be George.

If you MUST speak to me, you should call me Puddle.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 02:02:28 am by InfinityStream »
I didn't like all those pics in my sig...

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2011, 02:15:30 am »
I noticed something. Some characters are convinced they're the best at something.

Who has actual control over the fighting abilities? I'm assuming Krozam.
Depends on the situation. In a fight between two player characters, it's between their players. In a routine fight, the players can usually decide how they kill (or whatever they do) their NPC enemies. In a "boss fight", where I control the NPC's, it's much like in a fight between two PC's, only I'm the other party. As a general rule, apart from the routine encounters, the receiver decides if the strike lands.

Personality -- (Going for the motherly type. Not that a mercenary group needs a mother but... Maybe when Nex needs someone to scold the others)
"My personality?" I asked.
"Yeah. I want to know what I'm getting into letting you join," Nicolas replied.
"Oh. Well, I think I'm a caring, loving, gentle, soft spoken woman."
"What's wrong?"
"You're just like my mother..."
LOL! I actually laughed aloud at that. I haven't the slightest clue what kind of a mother Nicolaos had, though... His history is still largely a mystery to me, especially his childhood.

While the knife says otherwise, she's actually a healer. The knife with a soul floating out is actually a good friend of hers who wants to be called George. He can sense the life energy of people and tell her if someones sick, hurt, dead, etc. Using George to pinpoint the point of pain (P.O.P) she uses light magic to cure an ailment, mend broken bones. She's pretty good but she can't yet bring someone completely back from the brink of death. She can keep you alive until you get back from that point though, so no worries. Although she's the devil in disguise to anyone who hates medicine.
It seems you have a bit different understanding of light magic than I do. My light magic is literally light magic, it's light manipulation. Illusions, blinding lights, invisibility, at high level even destructive beams... Healing is non-elemental, mainly divine magic's stuff, though there are a few other convertable energy forms that can be used to heal (somewhat less efficiently). To go into technical details, divine magic forces the patient's body to heal faster than normal, lending it some of the needed energy, but heavily draining the body of its own energy reserves. Ki healing is a bit slower, because it consumes only ki, it doesn't force the body to participate (though if it's self-healing, the results are very similar, since ki is in large part life-energy). This also explains why they are so effective when used together: the ki-healer lends the patient energy, which the body uses to heal itself, forced by the divine magic. Normally, healing severe wounds includes a risk of the patient's life energy running out, but when done this way, there's very little risk of the patient dying. There is a convertible form of magic that replicates the effect of ki healing, as well as one that manipulates the body directly (affects the blood and flesh and bones themselves, requiring good knowledge of anatomy as well as expert control) and probably some other ways that I can't be bothered to invent right now. If you want to be a very powerful healer, I suggest you either get a god to supply the power or learn to convert elemental magic to divine magic (which is entirely possible, one of the easiest and most common conversions).

I have no problem with George. :P

She and George traveled the world until finally meeting Nicolas, a man who asked her to join his mercenary guild as a healer. She already knew of both the good and bad deeds an assassin's guild could do, and after deciding Nicolas was a 'Good young man', she joined. Along with George, who to this day, has become the witty, humored, insulting character of the guild. He's talkative, and only Maria can really stand him.
We're not an actual guild, we don't have the numbers or the organization. We're just a small mercenary band. Also, I find it amusing that she'd call the 28 years old Nicolaos a "young man", while she's just a decade older. :P

Also... why Puddle? I'd love to hear the story behind that nick... ;D - anime | reviews
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2011, 02:23:10 am »
Name: Aidan Donovan am Delian
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Race: Human(of the lands of Tylwythau Treftadaeth Etifedd)
Appearance: Aidan stands around 6'2 with a well toned form and bright blond hair.  He tends to wear a heavy cloth cloak and a couple leather harnesses, but otherwise is completed naked and bare to he world, his body covered in tribal paint patterns that grants him divine protection and ability.  He carries a large round shield made with a dense wooden core framed by steel, the center painted with a war banner of his order.  He also has a carved wooden spear tipped with a simple steel tip, and 3 foot sword with an intricately carved hilt from his homeland.

Personality: Aidan is normally relatively calm, even if he can be blunt or crude about things without much thought.  Despite tis, when someone annoys him he is given to fits of rage-which is made worse by his Ki abilities since often times when he flies into a fury he releases a shockwave of fear without even noticing it.  Beyond this, he tends to be encouraging of fights due to his background, believing combat an excellent way to settle differences and preferable to diplomacy.  He also is slightly disdainful of those who wear armor, or those who follow the life of a peasant and think themselves above warriors.  Both he believes are weaker men and women who should know their place.

Special Abilities: His abilities are drawn from his heritage.  His homeland is beset by war caused by ancient rivalry and endless cycles of a warrior tradition.  Though he is nude, the painted marks on his skin bless him with his patron god of war from his homeland, hardening his flesh and enhancing his physical abilities.  Alongside this he possesses skills in many styles of group warfare, from scattered to formation.  He is able to do basics of training and has the very arts flowing in his blood.  His last ability is perhaps his most notable-he has a line of advanced Ki abilities that were taught to him by his warrior society at home, the ability to expand his Ki as auras around him, enhancing allies or debilitating foes.

Items of Interest:
A tribal sword made of simple but strong steel from his homeland, the grip and guard are a design marking his family and tribe.
Woad Paint, a special paint mixture steeped in legend and religious lore from his homeland.  It has been blessed by a priest, and he has a good stock on him should he ever need to replace his "armor".  By drawing the paint in holy symbols on his skin, he draws upon divine blessing.
Heavy Tight Wove Cloak-this allows him to curl up in colder weather, as well as prevent backstabbing or projectiles from catching him from behind in combat.  It also doesn't feel good to be whipped by in a fight.
A large banner round shield, it is of a heavy hardwood, thick and over a meter in diamete.  It's edge is sealed with hardened steel, and the face painted with the war banner of his old warrior society, marking him proud of the heritage and of his abilities-not that the markings would be known to many around here.
A tribal spear, the shaft hard carved from a solid branch of oak by him and tipped with a steel tip.

History: I was born in the lands of Tylwythau Treftadaeth Etifedd far to the north, to the tribe of Delian, to the line of Donovan, to the given name of Aidan.  From birth I was taught the arts of combat, as well as various peasant arts for times when raids were rare and loot scattered.  Upon reaching the age of twelve, I stood before my elders and was tested with my teachings to enter the ranks of the raiders.  My village had been raided before, and I had tasted combat, but I had yet to be initiated as a true warrior yet.  I stood before the trials of arms and cunning, and fought hard.  Veteran warriors were my goes, but I proved my skills and received the rights of the warrior-but adulthood would still be a ways off.

I stripped from my clothes, and stood besides several other boys and girls who had also aptly proved themselves.  We stood at attention there, bare before the world, fully vulnerable as we witnessed a priest of the God of War step forward, carrying a jar of blue paint.  He blessed our rising, and so were we painted, elders coming forth to draw the holy designs upon our bare skin.  I could feel the divine power pulse in the paint, feel my birthright cover me in a shell of protection that no mortal armor could.  I stood proud beside my brothers and sisters, young and supple flesh that had been fed from my mothers breast and soon would feast from the wounds of my enemies, weened.

We set forth, taking to he seas with the elder warriors and raiding a village that was not far away.  It was peace, but it was our duty to he gods to raid our neighbors.  We struck out and fought the defenders, swarming with a cry and quickly taking them down.  My first blood, and the first of many raids.

Time went on, and I reached adulthood, my raids continuing, my battle prowess growing.  Eventually, a lord noticed me, and took a liking.  Shortly after I was approached by a warrior society, being drawn into their influential ranks.  Cyfeillachwr Swyddog Maes, that was my new title.  My tribe was no longer my true home, my family was no longer my closest supporters.  I was taken in and taught to meld the energies of men and there fervor, both of devotion and fear.  I was taught to draw the best from my allies with powerful speeches blessed by the ancient powers.

And in that lifestyle I find myself approaching the modern day.  That Dalradian bastard Cathair had raised a war party of his people, leading there dishonorable bloodthirsty hides south to raid many lands and butcher many.  My society was allied with one of his enemies, and I was assigned to the warband hunting him.  We fought hard, and slayed many, but had to fall back due to him getting lucky and having an opportunity to drive off half our force.  We had to flee through the waterways as he chased, finding ourselves in the Morwrol am Trancedigaeth, the rock filled waters where storms rise from the seas themselves to crush the unwary.  A storm erupted and destroyed both our fleets, crushing them along the rocks and casting us into the sea.

Me and some others awoke on cold shores far from our home, only a couple of out possessions held close to use in what we believed death with us.  We stood, naked and bare before the wind blowing from the sea.  We glanced at each other and took our stuff, heading inland.  It is suicide to approach our home from sea, and the mountain passes are controlled by hated enemies.  We had no choice but to travel further afield.

Eventually, I heard of the man who had that bastard warlord Caith in bondage, and came to get a laugh at him and his fate-and then stayed on.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:33:43 am by Soulbourne »

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2011, 02:37:47 am »
Also... why Puddle? I'd love to hear the story behind that nick... ;D

I came up with it. My train of thought is as follows: InfinityStream -> Stream -> What's cuter than a stream? -> PUDDLE

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall OOC
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2011, 02:55:16 am »
I just changed my character profile to include his opinion and interactions to the other members of the group.
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