Heh... Someone posted a "review" on this story on FictionPress and said they got hooked already. Apart from actual constructive criticism, that's pretty much the best praise a writer could get.

Here's the last update before shit hits the fan on the second chapter and we reach the events of the prologue. Look forward to reading that scene from Emi's perspective.

The rest of the chapter will be posted at once, almost certainly before the holidays end.
“So, Emi, how did yesterday's meeting go?” Akemi asked on the lunch break. After meeting Satou at the gate – Emi still berated herself over losing her composure like so – the morning had been uneventful. Emi frequently found her attention slipping, as her thoughts were occupied by the party she'd be attending tonight. Houjou Ichirou, a successful businessman who'd made his fortune with electronics and later also stock market, had turned fifty and was holding a grand birthday party. Because the party was in Tokyo, she'd be leaving a little early from school and returning late in the night. She'd be returning alone, by the way, because her parents had taken the opportunity and arranged some meetings in Tokyo for the next day.
“It was boring”, she replied absently. “I really didn't like the man we were meeting, but of course I had to put out a cheerful front.” Just recalling that dirty old man gave her the creeps. She quickly and deliberately returned to thinking about tonight's dress options.
Akemi and Kanako were looking at each other questioningly. It was unusual for Emi to be this absent-minded.
“What are you thinking about so intently?” Kanako asked, peering at her downcast face.
“I have another party tonight. It's in Tokyo, and there will be many important people, so my parents want me to make the best if it.” That meant making connections, charming boys and milking them for information.
“Aww, I wish I could take part in a party like that,” Akemi said with dreamy eyes. “Wearing a beautiful dress, meeting rich and handsome boys, maybe even falling in love with one...” Keiko snorted, raising her eyes from her book (she always read while eating) just for a brief moment to cast a disapproving glance at the daydreaming Akemi.
Akemi quickly returned to reality. “I bet they'll all fawn over you, Emi.”
“No doubt,” Emi replied drily. “And that's exactly the problem. I'll have to dance with dozens of horny boys, most of them self-absorbed and spoiled rotten. It'll be worth it just for the few nice ones among them, but it does get tiring. Trust me, these parties lose a lot of their glamour when you're actually
in them.” Thank god Masaki-kun would be there. They were planning to enter together, that alone would spare Emi from a few propositions of the kind that she invariably rejected.
“I think you're just too used to it to see what a dream life you live,” Akemi complained while chewing a piece of tamagoyaki.
Dream life, huh? I guess I've been fortunate compared to many, but... sometimes I just feel like everything I do is meaningless... Her contemplation was interrupted when Satou walked past right behind Akemi and Keiko, on his way out of the classroom. That glance he shot at Emi, it made shivers go down her spine again. Was it malice? No. Once again Emi had to conclude that she couldn't read Satou at all.
Akemi turned her head to see what it was that had – Emi just now realised – made Emi freeze in the middle of picking up a piece of chicken with her chopsticks. Quickly she resumed the movement, but it was too late, the damage was already done within that two seconds of immobility.
“Nee, Emi-chan,” Akemi began, using the suffix that she only ever used with Emi when she was about to say something mischievous, “do you, by any chance... like Satou-kun?”
Oh god, this misunderstanding is going to be a pain to correct. Having picked up the warning signs, Emi managed to keep her composure. Just. “Of course not. Whatever gave you such a silly notion?”
Kanako, and even Keiko, was now looking at Emi curiously. Akemi carried on, clearly enjoying the situation: “Well, I was just thinking, you always look at him in a different way than everyone else. I can just feel the tension between you two, though maybe there's some other reason...?”
Emi sighed and put down her chopsticks. She motioned everyone to come closer, then spoke in a low voice: “Don't you think he's sort of... frightening?”
“Frightening?” Akemi and Kanako shared a confused glance. “You think Satou-kun is scary? That... geek?”
“I've heard he hangs out with a delinquent from another school,” Kanako continued where Akemi left, “but to me he doesn't seem scary at all. Maybe a little creepy, but harmless.”
“His record is spotless, except a few missed attendances,” Keiko added. “No violence.”
Emi shook her head, frustrated. “I'm not talking about delinquent level scary. I'm talking about
psychopathic killer level scary! Look, I have enemies, powerful enemies, but none of them make me tremble in fear like he does, with just a look in my way!”
Maybe she'd said too much. The three other girls looked really confused and worried now. Kanako put her hand over Emi's right hand on the table.
“Emi, you shouldn't judge others so far based on looks alone. Is this one of your hunches again? I know you trust those premonitions of danger, but...”
“I know, Kanako, I know.” Emi put her own left hand over Kanako's and squeezed gently, smiling as reassuringly as she could manage. “I know it has to be my imagination. I'm just so used to trusting my hunches that it takes some time to get over this. I'll try.”
Thankfully, their hushed discussion seemed to have passed without raising anyone's attention, and for the rest of the lunch break, they dropped the subject in favour of more light-hearted chatter.
* * *
For Noboru, the rest of the day went by uneventfully. Or so he would have liked. A certain group of delinquents, however, had other plans.
They were waiting for him on his way home, on a quiet section of the street. It was one of those residential areas where the streets were flanked by walls. Well, they probably weren't waiting for him specifically, Noboru was quite sure he'd never seen them before, but regardless, they were there and they were trouble. There were three of them, they were chilling on the walkway, each with a can of drink in their hands. They looked like your common punks, with bleached hairs and piercings and school uniforms worn loosely. Noboru recognised the uniform, it was the same as the one Aruta wore. His school was close by, so it was no surprise.
Better just go around, Noboru figured, turned right and crossed the road to the walkway on the other side. Too bad it wasn't far enough. As soon as they noticed him, the delinquents also crossed the road and positioned themselves on his way.
oboru was in a bad mood. He hadn't had any sleep in nearly 48 hours, there was an annoying demon in his city, and now these punks were wilfully getting in his way. He seriously considered using magic to deal with this, as inconvenient as if was to clean up afterwards. (No, not
that kind of clean-up.)
“What do you want?” he asked, trying to remain patient. Maybe they just wanted to ask some questions?
Yeah, right. “Lend me some money, man,” the punk in the middle demanded. He was the tallest of the three, kind of scrawny, and he had two rings on his left ear and a blonde mohawk. “I'm broke, and my, uh, sister is sick, she needs medicine.”
Well, this was new. The guy actually bothered coming up with a half-decent excuse. Noboru rolled his eyes.
“Oh, sure,” he replied with a sarcastic smile. “Can't leave your sister without medical care, can we? How much do you need? Keep in mind, though, my interest rates are high. I'll make it ten percent, since it's for a humanitarian cause.”
The punk blinked a few times, then his face distorted in anger and he grabbed Noboru from his blazer's lapel. “You fucker, do you think you can get away with making fun of me?!”
“Get out of my way. I don't have the time to deal with small fries like you.” Noboru lowered his head and glared at the punk over his glasses with all the anger, arrogance and bloodlust he could muster. Demons had backed away from that glare. But then, they could feel his power. These poor fools could only see his admittedly unimpressive body.
Still, it seemed to work at first, the thug let go and took a wary step back, startled expression on his face. But then he seemed to gain courage from the presence of his two friends.
“Huh? You think you can just order us around? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Several things happened during the next few seconds. The punk reached for Noboru's lapel again, Noboru stepped sideways... and someone ran over from behind the thugs, bellowing “ORRAAAA!!” very manly, and jump kicked the middle guy in the back, sending him flying on his face. Ouch.
“Ba- Banchou?!” the two remaining thugs cried in unison. Before they could make a move, the “Banchou” punched one of them in the face, sending him flying onto the middle of the street, roaring “YOU-”, and then turned around and sunk his leg into the stomach of the other, making him double up, and finishing with: “FOOLS!!”
Noboru surveyed the scene of carnage. “Swift work. Impressive.”
The Banchou ignored him. “Haven't I told you idiots not to bother ordinary people?! We'll talk about your punishment tomorrow, now get the fuck out of my sight!”
Only when the three unfortunate thugs had picked themselves up and limped away, did the Banchou turn to Noboru. “I'm sorry about that. They're freshmen, and numbskulls like them are slow to learn.”
“It's alright, it's not your fault,” Noboru appeased the steaming Arata. “Anyway, thanks. You saved me.”
They started walking side by side. “It's nothing. I saved them just as much as I saved you. You looked like you might... you know...”
“Use magic?” Noboru chuckled. “It's possible. I was feeling rather pissed off just a moment ago. But seeing that beating you gave them somehow cheered me up.”
“You know, you're much more bloodthirsty than you look.”
“Comes with the job, I suppose. Anyway, you saved me the indignity of having to run away. And more importantly, you saved me some precious naptime.”
Arata shook his head in amused disbelief. “I'm glad to hear you have your priorities straight. Anyway, we'd both best head home now.” He stopped as they reached an intersection.
Noboru turned and nodded. “Yeah. See you around.”
“Have a good nap!” Arata bid him with a grin.