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Messages - Jeb

Pages: [1]
Evil's Gratitude / Re: [RPG] Evil's Gratitude OOC
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:28:09 am »
Hair - Brown w/ a red tint(?)
Eyes - Grey (?)
Skin - Paleish
Height -
Build - Scrawny :P
Relations -
    wife - Ren Porter
Curse -
Avatar of the Weaver of life ~

Jeb is connected to the fabric of life. He believes he might be an avatar of the Weaver of Life, or somehow connected in some way to the weave as he has the ability to trace the weavings of life in every living thing. At a single touch of a person Jeb can see their past and their present and all the possible weaves of their future allowing him to manipulate it in small ways. However each time he changes something there is a cost to himself, the further in the past he reaches the more energy it takes easily bringing him closer to slipping through the weavings and the chaos beyond. One must also note that even though the weavings can be changed, it is one thing to shift the thread slightly and changed tiny things but to rewrite the past is nigh on impossible and dangerous.

Sidenote: The only exception to his power he has ever found was that he cannot read the life of his wife Ren. Given this opportunity to be normal, Jeb first befriended then fell in love with this unique woman. As they both fell deeper into their curses Jeb found that his unique powers were somehow tapped by Ren when they touched – allowing her to see in the weave of life dispelling any illusions she might see at that time

Background -

A dream of threads tangled deep within his soul, each a shining light in a rainbow of hues creating the most spectacular patterns the mind could imagine. Stretching away to the furthest stars Jeb could almost see the whole universe if only he could open his eyes wide enough. But yet… yet in all the beauty of the world Jeb could have never imagined the truest treasure he be held before him. It was the most innocent of things, a soft touch of their hands at the library and the wince of anticipation to see that whole person’s life… but it never came… In shock the young man swirled around in a fluster searching, eyes searching for what he never could have imagined.

The clatter of books falling to the ground distracted him slightly, as he realised he had dropped them in  his moment of distraction… but his mind was all a fluttered, his heart beating fast as if something big had happened. The area in the library he stood was disastrously clear with no one in sight. Panicked at the missed chance of finding someone he could not read, Jeb darted his head around and began searching the aisles. As he hurriedly walked past three or four shelves an ache began to grow in his heart and he wondered if he had blown it. His one chance to be normal…

From out of the corner of his downcast eye, a flash of red hair and pale skin beckoned him. Almost on the verge of giving up the man finally gave into temptation and hope and saw a picture of perfection. Elegant in her dress with long red locks, there she stood a woman of perfection…

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