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Messages - Krozam

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Visual Novels / Re: Gameplay Heavy Visual Novels
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:13:21 pm »
Well, Eien no Aselia, the prequel of Seinarukana, has a fair amount of gameplay, and it's all-around a fantastic VN, easily my favourite. I'm looking forward to the translation of Seinarukana, I want it in English to be able to fully enjoy it.

Other than that, I found Wizard's Climber pretty fun. It's pretty short but has a good replay value, even I played it through 3 times to see different endings, and I still intend to play it once more when I feel like it again, because the ending I really want requires several playthroughs. <.< I'm also planning to eventually check out Bunnyblack 1 and 2 by the same producer, Softhouse Chara, they sound like they'd be fun.

Manga / Re: Krozam's Manga Diary
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:35:53 am »
...And so I did. Damn, what a manga marathon. I read the almost 20 scanlated volumes of Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (by Yoshikawa Miki) practically in one sitting, over ~18 hours.

No, it's not really that addicting, I simply had nothing better to do, for some reason I didn't even get tired enough to feel like going to sleep. The first few volumes are actually pretty meh, I contemplated dropping the manga many times over the first few vols. The characters were difficult to like and the story didn't seem to go anywhere, the comedy alone couldn't really keep my interest. However, eventually it did start getting better, and after a certain point it became so good that I was well and truly hooked. I'm glad I patiently stuck with it (I'm sure wouldn't have done it if I hadn't read Yamada-kun first, this one took a much longer time to get good), because in the end it was an experience I think I will truly appreciate later on. Actually, I already do.

Like Yamada, the "Yankee-kun", Shinagawa Daichi, is a feared delinquent who's absolutely bored with school but has a good heart and a strong sense of justice. He was sort of likeable from the start, but not really. It's a real pleasure to see how he matures and changes during his three high school years, becoming a truly likeable and respectable person. "Megane-chan", Adachi Hana, differs from the female lead of Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo in that she's only pretending to be a smart honour student - in reality she's a former delinquent and dumb as a doornail. I never really liked her, she seems a bit like a bitch from the start and only develops to a moderately likeable level during the story. On the plus side, her past explains her personality in the beginning well, and the rare times that we see her fight, she kicks ass. But still, I kinda wish some of the other girls who end up with a crush on Daichi had a chance.

The other characters are, again, a hilarious (and occasionally badass) bunch with important roles in the story, good character development and a good balance of genders. I really like this mangaka for her excellent use of supporting characters in both of her series.

This is a long story with several phases to it. First there is the introduction phase, where the two main characters get to know each other and later some supporting characters are introduced. Then there is the student council phase, where the story finally gets interesting, many new supporting characters are introduced and various problems are solved. The final phase is where they start taking studying seriously in order to get the whole gang, even the hopelessly stupid Hana, to the same college - however, this phase also contains a lot of character development for everyone, and wraps up several side plots. Alongside it all there is delinquent stuff, some good fights. This story covers pretty much the whole scale of school life manga, from slice of life and romance to student council and delinquent stuff. I've missed this kind of long school life manga, where you really have the time to get attached to the characters, over a large number of volumes, and many years in the story. It's been a while since I've read anything this long. I think this will eventually be one seriously nostalgic story to me, like for example Love Hina came to be.

All in all, a truly memorable experience worth at least 4 stars. Could easily be more, if the boring phase in the beginning hadn't lasted so long. Could still be more, if the story wraps up in a satifying manner, giving the romances and everything proper conclusions.

Music: I listened to a lot of different songs during this long session, but mainly heidi. (they did the Kaichou wa Maid-sama EDs) and certain Abingdon Boys School songs. In the best fights I listened either Show Me What You Got by Powerman 5000, JAP by ABS, or Reckless Youth by Pillar. In emotional scenes ABS's Desert Rose served well. Pineapple Army - also by ABS - was good for normal comedy and slice of life, some fights as well. In the beginning I mainly listened to heidi.'s Ikkoku, Mugen Loop and Pain, until I got bored of them and switched to ABS.

As usual with these kind of stories, it made me feel pathetic for never taking studying seriously. So, I think I'll take a little break from manga and such, and finally get to writing that essay I've been pushing off. >.<

Manga / Re: Krozam's Manga Diary
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:13:35 pm »
Yamada-kun to Nana-nin no Majo (Yamada and the Seven Witches) by Yoshikawa Miki

First crossdressing, now gender-bender (well, actually body swapping). Looks like I'm in a phase where I like to try out manga which I'd normally skip because of elements I have no interest in. It's not like I'm learning to like those elements, I'm just beginning to tolerate them in stories that are otherwise too good to pass up. Who knows, maybe I'll one day listen to some rap songs just because of good melodies, even though I hate the weird, unmelodic speaking style that passes for singing in that music genre.

Now then, about the manga. Yamada-kun is like Kagami no Kuni no Harisugawa done right. Or better - it's not like Harisugawa isn't good. This is not just a gender-bender harem romcom, this has a very interesting, intelligent plot that contains elements of mystery and school politics. I wouldn't say this is particularly deep, but it's certainly not an ordinary, clichéd and shallow romcom.

It did take me a while to get into this, the first few chapters I wasn't sure if I liked it enough. The comedy has its moments, but it's not like it's cracking me up all the time (it's not entirely my cup of tea), and Yamada is nearly always embarrassing when he's in a girl's body. However, when some more characters and the actual plot kicked in, and Yamada started to have more cool moments, I was eventually hooked.

The characters are overall interesting and likeable. Yamada, as I said, is often embarrassing, but he also has his cool moments, especially lately. He's one of the few truly dumb main character whom I find genuinely likeable. Shiraishi, the female lead, is a bit too composed to my liking, but she also has cute moments, and I like her character development. The supporting cast is generally a hilarious bunch, and some of them are used very intelligently to advance the plot. One thing I like is that there's a good balance of male and female characters: it's not just Yamada and his harem, there are other genuinely important male characters as well.

The art reminds me of Mashima Hiro, the author of Fairy Tail. Which is no wonder, given that she used to be his assistant. It's good for comedic expressions and action, but not so good for fanservice or romantic scenes. Still, I have to say I find some of the girls rather attractive. Not sure about the romance, it has potential, but Shiraishi will have to start showing more emotion and the cute scenes will have to get much cuter before I start getting emotional over this manga.

All in all, I rate this manga 4 stars. It could be half a star more if Yamada wasn't so damn embarrassing at times.

Music: Mustasch - Morning Star. I'm sure I could find more suitable songs for this manga, but I happen to be into Mustasch right now, and I found this song suitable enough to create a good reading atmosphere.

Now that I've found this mangaka good, I think I'll go check out her earlier, rather succesful work, Yankee-kun to Megane-chan...

Manga / Re: Krozam's Manga Diary
« on: November 17, 2012, 05:47:53 am »
Sometimes it's good to read something way out of your comfort zone. You know, widen your horizon. In that spirit, I present you

Kunisaki Izumo No Jijou by Hirakawa Aya

That's a guy in that picture.^ Let me say from the start that I very much dislike several key elements in this manga: crossdressing, shounen ai undertones and the lack of significant female characters. I checked this out on a whim based on the cover image on the scanlator's site and didn't read any summaries until I'd read the first chapter. Had I read a summary first, I most certainly would never have checked this out.

As it happens, I liked the first chapter. The protagonist is pretty awesome and the chapter was really funny. Moreover, somehow the crossdressing element was presented in a way that I actually kinda liked the idea. The androgynous protagonist plays the role of a girl in a kabuki play, not because he likes it but because he has a debt to pay to the guy who usually plays the role but is now sick. Somehow that's kinda cool. A man who's manly enough to take the embarrassment of dressing as a girl though he hates it. An actor who's willing to go that far for the sake of his fellow actors and the audience. And he totally captivates them all, to the point that several supposedly straight guys fall head over heels for him. Yeah, the protagonist is awesome.

The comedy is at times rather unique and really good, I actually laughed aloud quite a few times, something I don't do that often. The plot is pretty episodic, there are short arcs which focus on different kabuki plays, different characters and their problems. Nothing amazing, but enjoyable. The art is, IMO, really good: it's clear and strong, the character designs are good, the expressions are good, it's a style I'm used to seeing in shounen and seinen manga, not shoujo (though as is usual for shoujo, the male character designs are much better than the female designs).

This manga is half painful and half ejoyable. It's painful to watch all the guys trying to get the MC (mind you, the MC doesn't seem interested in either the guys or the few girls who have semi-important roles in the story, this isn't a romance), and it's annoying that after 44 chapters, the MC still hasn't got a proper male role to play, it's getting repetitive that there are always circumstances that force him to take a female role. Yet I still find myself well entertained by every chapter: the characters and their individual problems are mostly interesting, the dialogue is good, and as I said, the comedy is good and the MC is awesome. Something about the storytelling kept me hooked all through the 44 chapters that are out so far.

I do recommend the manga to anyone willing to "widen their horizon", try something new (I think this'd be new to anyone who reads this, I don't remember ever meeting any fujoshi in Doki <.<). 3.5/5.

Music: Mustasch - The Audience is Listening suits quite well the story in my opinion, what with the theme of performing on a stage (though the song is about performing music, not theatre).

Visual Novels / Re: VN: Anime Versions - The VN Was Better
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:50:43 pm »
True, that is also a problem with light novel adapations, they tend to never be completed. Many of my favourite anime are LN adaptations, so that might even be the bigger problem. I could kill for a second season of Black Blood Brothers or Ookami-san, for example.

Visual Novels / Re: VN: Anime Versions - The VN Was Better
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:13:04 pm »
Krozam, did you know that Aquaplus released a fighting game for the PS3 this year called Aqua Pazza, that has characters from Utawarerumono, Tears to Tiara, To Heart, and others? :D I want to play it!
No, but I don't care either, because I don't have any consoles. I sometimes play PSX and PS2 games on emulators, but PS3 games are outside my reach.

Aevumus, that is indeed the most common problem with VN and LN adaptations, such as Fortune Arterial and Campione. I shudder at the thought of what would be the result of an Eien no Aselia adaptation (even a series, let alone the actually existing OVA, which I refuse to watch), I couldn't stand watching them crap all over one of my absolute favourite stories. Campione was painful enough, and it's just a good story to me, nowhere near my favourite.

Anime / Re: The Season So Far...
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:13:45 pm »
My favourite of the season is Zetsuen no Tempest - not because of what I've seen so far (though it's been really good) but because of what is to come. Zetsuen is one of my top 3 manga, and the anime is slowly getting into the good part after a beginning that was meh in the manga, but greatly improved in the anime adaptation. The main characters are badass and the plot delivers far more twists and mindfuck-moments in 20 chapters than most stories in their entire length. Seriously, don't be fooled by the beginning, very few things in this story are as they seem at first.

Second-favourite is Sakurasou. It's got the same kind of charm as Denpa Onna, with all the quirky (yet also surprisingly deep) characters and great comedy, and quite similar concept. Mashiro is almost as adorable and eccentric as Erio. :)

Other very interesting ones are Shin Sekai Yori (3 eps watched), Magi (5 eps) and Psycho-Pass (2 eps). Shin Sekai has a powerful mood, and somehow it doesn't bore me at all despite very little having happened so far. For some reason it reminds me of Banner of the Stars, my favourite Scifi anime. Magi is very entertaining and I love the settings. Psycho-Pass has potential, it seems like it could be a pretty deep dystopia story.

K (2 eps), Chuunibyou (5 eps) and OniiAi (5 eps) seem okay. I've only seen 1 ep of Kaibutsu-kun, but it seems pretty promising as well. Little Busters (2 eps) and Ixion Saga (5 eps) hang just above the dropping line.

That's all I'm watching this season - so far. Irie has been urging me to check out Sukitte Ii na yo, and I will, but I don't know when.

Visual Novels / Re: VN: Anime Versions - The VN Was Better
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:00:43 am »
The other Leaf VN adaptation, Tears to Tiara, is also damn good. Far exceeded my expectations at the start of the series.

Anime / Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« on: November 10, 2012, 05:30:24 am »
I just watched Special A. It was good and I had the time, so I marathoned it all at once. One of the best romance anime I've seen. Even though it's shoujo with a tomboy girl for main character and a perfect guy for a male lead, it's not the kind of shoujo I dislike. The guy isn't a cold bastard and the girl isn't in love with him - the concept is more like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, the guy is after the girl, who's freaking oblivious to the notion of liking someone, she only sees him as a rival. So, the guy makes sure he beats her in everything, so she doesn't lose interest in him. It works surprisingly well.

Another thing unlike most shoujo manga/anime is that the secondary characters get a fair amount of focus and character development, even their own romances (one of which is almost better than the main one, unless you really dislike the violent tsundere archetype). There's also a pretty conclusive ending, though it's obvious that the anime cut the story short, there's no way it could have gone through 17 volumes of manga in 24 episodes. The characters really grew on me, and I teared up a couple of times.

One thing bothered me in the beginning: the character designs are worse than Clamp's, with their straight, ridiculously long legs. But the art style improved over time, and what bad parts remained, I got used to.

As I said, one of the best romance anime I've seen. 4/5 stars. In comparison, Maid-sama, which is one of my favourite shoujo romances, got only 3.5. Shuffle got 4. Toradora and Kaitou Saint Tail got 4.5, though, they had an even stronger emotional effect on me.

Music / Top lists
« on: November 08, 2012, 04:03:52 pm »
A thread for some music top lists. Make them by genre, purpose (what do you listen to when you want to relax?), artist or whatever you like. Preferably short lists, so we only get the best of the best.

My top 5 beautiful songs
1. Makino Yui - You Are My Love (From the Tsubasa Chronicle OST. There's also an English version sung by Itou Eri, but it's played with guitar - I like Makino's voice and the piano in this version more.)
2. dai - Thank You for Being Born (From the Umineko no Naku Koro ni visual novel OST. BTW, I just found out that there's a vocal version, still can't decide if I like it more than the off vocal one...)
3. Eimear Quinn - The Voice (That voice... My god, that voice...)
4. Emilia Torrini - Gollum's Song (The end credits song of the LotR - Two Towers OST.)
5. Disciple - Things Left Unsaid (The melody isn't that great, but the lyrics are just fantastic, so sad and beautiful...)

Wallpaper / Re: 1280x800
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:33:12 pm »
I just spent some 2½ hours making a wallpaper out of this:

The result:

Needs more work, but I'm not good at this, especially with an image editor I just DL'ed... so I can't be bothered, at least not now.

General Discussions / Re: Video Games!
« on: November 04, 2012, 05:51:05 am »
Next on my list was Thousand Arms. It was a good game, too, though not quite as good as Lunar. The story is even more straightforward, but the gameplay is fun, maybe more fun than in Lunar. The concept is just brilliant, a cross of a traditional JRPG and a dating sim. XD The characters are fun, but despite the focus on character interaction and much better voice acting (there's a lot of that, even compared to Lunar), I for some reason didn't get as attached to them as I got to the Lunar characters. That is, with the exception of the main character, whose personality is much, much more colourful than that of the protagonist of Lunar, who doesn't even speak often. There are not that many videos, but many conversations, especially on dates, are "zoomed" and animated, which is very nice. The comedy was pretty good most of the time, though some of the "funny" characters mainly annoyed me. Musics are... ok, except the opening song, which is one of Ayumi Hamasaki's best songs.

It could have been one of the best games I've ever played, the concept certainly had potential for it. However, I had three problems with the game: First of all, the plot was much too straightforward and predictable, even Lunar did better. Secondly, the characters, as diverse and quirky as their personalities are, lack depth. Thirdly, while the gameplay is a lot of fun, it was much too easy to overlevel, which caused the game to get too easy well before the halfway point. The first two points together ensured that I didn't invest much emotion into it, even though I almost teared up at the end.

Other than that, it was well worth playing, and I might consider playing again after a few years. Next time maybe try to avoid overleveling and switch the characters in my battle team more often.

Visual Novels / Re: Eien no Aselia discussion
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:27:36 am »
Ah, it's just incredible... I only need to listen to the ending song of EnA and think back on the two endings I've seen (mainly the Esperia one, it has a much bigger emotional impact on me), and I cry. It's a beautiful song, but not that beautiful, it's mostly because of the nostalgia. It helps that I don't over-listen to that song like many other of my favourite beautiful songs, I've listened to it less than 10 times in total. That way it retains the impact much better.

I kind of want to start on my third playthought now... But my spare time is very limited right now, and it all goes with Thousand Arms, the JRPG I started after finishing Lunar. I should probably be happy about the fact that Seinarukana isn't going to be released any time soon - if it was, I wouldn't get any work done until I'd finished it. :P

General Discussions / Re: Video Games!
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:35:25 pm »
I just finished Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete. A good game, a very good game. Not quite as enjoyable plot-wise or gameplay-wise as FF IX or the first two Suikodens, but it has something that the Suikodens unfortunately do not: a romance. Actually three of them. The fact that the plot is romance-centered is one of the reasons why I picked it up in the first place. I got what I sought for, more or less: teared up in a few scenes, almost cried in the end. There are many nice animations in the game, anime style, and some scenes are voiced, which adds to the mood even if I'm not entirely happy with some of the VA's. The opening video and one of the animated scenes in the middle have very nice songs. Also, they went through quite a bit of trouble writing dialogue for random townspeople, the things they say change many times over the course of the story and it's always as fun to go around talking to normal people, to see what they say, or what kind of party member dialogue it may trigger. The central characters are a funny bunch, not as deep as FF characters tend to be, but likeable, I did get attached to them.

I wish there was a sequel, I'd love to see more of these characters... of course, there is a Lunar 2, but it takes place a thousand years later, apparently only one or two characters are still alive to make cameos. <.<

Anime / Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:12:48 am »
Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!

Better than I expected. Yes, it's a generic harem anime where I couldn't even bother memorising everyone's names, and yes, you can guess the sister already in the second arc, but still, the plot was surprisingly good.

(click to show/hide)

Anyway, as a whole the anime kept my interest pretty well: the comedy is okay, and as I said, the plot is actually quite good for a generic harem anime. I'm holding on to the dim hope that the OVA will have a conclusion instead of being a pointless fanservice episode... 3/5

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