Discussion Forums > Games

Forum RPG's, anyone?

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well.. i wouldn't mind trying it out :) never played Pen & Paper though

Ok, since I'm not getting much information on your likes and dislikes, I'm just going to suggest something. If it's fine with everyone, we can begin.

My first idea is a game set in a mostly medieval fantasy world, we're a famous (or infamous, whichever you prefer) group of mercenaries on a mission. I'm thinking something simple and not so epic for starters, such as an infiltration mission in order to help conquer a fortress. Is this basic setting acceptable?

I'm game.  Ok.  Here's my character:  Harold Bjornson - a displaced Norwegian who's a sapper.  He's got a talent for directions so he never gets lost.  His major weakness is drinking which his personality changes to that of a dashing hero and charms the ladies.  He got caught trying to make love to the princess of Norway and got caught.  He fled Norway and is now trying to make his way.

Probably no Norway in the fantasy world, though there could be a kingdoms based on Norway.

Anyway, I'll post a character sheet and some basic info on the world, along with the starting settings, in a separate OOC (Out of Character) thread later, first I need to know that everyone's fine with the basic setting.

Irie Naoki:
I actually do have one as I have had a fantasy movie in my head for a long time

My name is Darwin Roday, I come from the great kingdom of Goldan, the place is special for it contains 6 orbs containing power from each element, Earth, Fire, Water&Ice, Air, Shadow and Light. But when the war of thousand nights started the light orb was destroyed. Thus only 5 orbs remaning. I have aquared the power of air, but I can not obtain the other powers for when I gain one element all the others close. Now I am searching for a group to help me train air and become the master of it.


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