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Any recommendations for learning Japanese?

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I would love to learn Japanese, specifically for watching Anime or reading Manga, but also being able to use an Operating System in Japanese.

Right now, I use a variety of methods:

http://www.realkana.com/ (for learning Hiragana and Katakana)
http://www.hesjapanese.com/ (for learning stroke order of Hiragana and Katakana characters)
Rosetta Stone (for words and etc)
Anime (not sure if helps or not, but maybe hearing Japanese will help me learn :p)

Anyone else have any tips that might be helpful?

Haha, I will stalk this for tips....

Anime, hearing someone actually speak Japanese, definitely helps. You start picking up common phrases and get a general understanding of the pronounciation. You also learn about the culture, which in turn helps learning about the principles behind the language.

My suggestion is: find a teacher. Self-study is far from useless, but I can tell you from experience, going to an actual class is a hell of a lot faster way to learn.

I agree with Krozam. You need a structured approach to learning the language. If you cannot go to a class, find a textbook. Watching anime helps with pronunciation, but if you plan to use a japanese OS, youre going to have to work hard on kanji and grammar.


--- Quote from: kenjinsakura on August 30, 2011, 05:20:38 pm ---I agree with Krozam. You need a structured approach to learning the language. If you cannot go to a class, find a textbook. Watching anime helps with pronunciation, but if you plan to use a japanese OS, youre going to have to work hard on kanji and grammar.

--- End quote ---

Hmm, I'm probably not nearly the best at identifying characters, but with Windows 7, it all looked like Katakana to me


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