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Messages - Haxton Fale

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Games / Re: Hangman~
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:00:10 pm »

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 22, 2012, 11:39:03 am »
Sonya: I think you should get some sleep. Now.

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:38:32 pm »
Now, slowly turn back and put everything back in the fridge

Okay, okay! I won't ask you to make me a sandwich anymore!

Do you have any idea how hard is it to wash blood from this?

Games / Re: 20 questions...
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:30:57 pm »
Are you a university student?

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 19, 2012, 06:58:36 am »
I know I'm about to be on the pointy end, but I don't think that's how you should use this knife.

And now tell me: what did you do with the carrots?

Anime / Re: Amagami SS+ plus
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:37:50 am »
Keep in mind that these arcs are separate stories. They all revolve around the same time frame, so the same events can be shown from different points of view.

Anime / Re: Infinite Stratos and why it's worth reading (SPOILERS)
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:25:24 am »
Thanks. When I have too much free time, I might consider posting volume 5. There are two problems with that though: I need the said time and in vol5 starts some real stuff, which makes the novels really worth reading, and which I won't be able to avoid so easily for the summary to make sense.

That being said, you provided a summary that was easy to understand and shared a lot of facts that weren't included in the anime. A big example was the whole "unmanned" IS, which I thought was a bit far-fetched even at the start. Now that it's been finally revealed there was someone in it, it just makes so much more sense. It is unfortunate that the anime failed to capture the accuracy and true plot of the Light Novel.
Now I'm interested what are they planning to do with Ms. Fairs. Later on she appears in a scene where she is defending something using her Silver Gospel, and she might show up once again in volume 8... Well, the anime staff put themselves in a quite uncomfortable position... On the other hand, I might not watch the second season, if there will be any. Yet again, I can convince myself it's not warth watching over and over again, and still go and download it when it appears... Well, that's what happens when I see Harem with Sci-Fi show. I can't help hoping they might do it right next time (OVA was rather good, but they could've squeezed quite a lot more from volume 4)...

I haven't read the Light Novels nor do I intend to, not because I hate IS or reading, but because I just don't have the time between work+school.
You still lose a lot there :) For the sake of easy reading, I prepared myself a bunch of printable versions (no illustrations, sorry). Because these are light novels, and they are well-written light novels, they're pretty quick to read, so I still suggest you give it a shot :)

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:10:50 am »
Oh no, I'm far from being offended. It's good to see that Krozam might have been referring to something else though. And for that, another entry, in the same pattern:
Take a look how NOT to make a girl smile

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:06:02 am »
Pretty weird, really - I've never been good at creating comedy/humour. Maybe we just have a similar sense of humour. :P
You seem to be suggesting something. I don't want to argue, and due to my general lousiness (I sometimes have a tab open on posting a reply for a few hours), count my entries out.

Games / Re: Best Caption
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:21:16 pm »
And this, my lovelies, is how you make a smile.

I've got mouth, now someone do something about that glare!

Games / Re: create a word from the last letter
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:33:25 pm »
Lalomania - an abnormal love of speech or talking.

Nah. It's so no-one gets accused of using fake words or something... and it looks a bit smarter.

Anime / Re: which shows for 2011 did you enjoy the most?
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:31:42 pm »
My own personal bests of 2011 include Madoka for its completely awesome awesomeness - first eps and the OP were at least confusing.
The second series in the list would be Hanasaku Iroha. I had both series stalled, and after I came back, I came to regret it.
Third would be Yuru Yuri - for being yuri (and good yuri) and having lolis. That's pretty much it for me.

As for the others, I also liked AnoHana, but the story could have been a bit better. Mayo Chiki was also pleasant to watch, one of better series of this year. Denpa Onna had some good moments and some less good, but overall it was pretty good.
That's probably it for me. I have watched quite a lot in 2011, and most of it was already after airing, so 'current' series didn't get too many chances to stand out.

Anime / Re: Amagami SS+ plus
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:12:25 pm »
Amagami SS is probably the best romance I've seen so far (excluding yuri), mostly due to its very pleasant pacing. Since SS+ is a sequel, I won't expect anything less than from the original series, especially episodes with Morishima and Nanasaki (with Ayatsuji, he's an idiot in full bloom).

Manga / Re: Krozam's Manga Diary
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:56:54 pm »
I was asked by Krozam to prepare this Manga Diary entry. Ladies and gentlemen, while my writing skills may not be as good as his, let me present Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
-Become mine, Hero!
-I refuse!

Usually, whenever the Demon Queen is confronted by the Hero, it's the climax of the story. This time, however, it is just a beginning. After his probably long and cliche struggle through demon's realm, Hero arrives in front of Demon Queen willing to take her life, but instead of fierce fight or pleading for life, he hears the above request, and declines it. They agree on a compromise - Hero will hear Demon Queen out for a half-day, and after that time he is free to do whatever he wants with her.

I'm sure there are lots of great fantasy series. Many of them have pretty dark tone, and many of them deal with wars and politics. Maoyuu however is very unique and I don't mean characters with no actual names, only their occupations. This series is probably the most realistic one, since it deals with all aspects of war and its impact. Demon Queen doesn't want to end the war because humans have to lose - she wants to end the war since it's wrong, and she'd like to do it without completely destroying her opponents, trying to find the most peaceful way instead. With that thought, she visits the human world in disguise and starts the education.

Among numerous manga adaptations of original novels, I find drawing style of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (without any suffixes) the best of them all. Maou is definitely as cute as she should be, wihtout focusing too much on her shamelessly useless meat. Hero goes from being a rather dumb, but powerful warrior to educated (and dedicated) paladin (of sorts), and because his struggles (and battles in general) aren't the main problem of the story, they are resolved in epic way. While battles remain quick, they're not chaotic. And whenever he wears armor, he looks cool - just as Hero should. Fortunately, the main pair (clumsy in most things apart from politics and economy Demon Queen, and mostly oblivious to that stuff Hero) manages not to overshadow the rest of cast, which includes many interesting and colourful characters, such as Head Maid, Grandpa Archer, Female Knight, Winter Prince... most of them has their own set of values, and still avoid being one- or two-dimensional.

Long story short: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha in general tells about various problems and aspects of war, as well as ways of dealing with them. Not-so-frequent cute encounters between Demon Queen and Hero mostly serve as intervals between mountains of dialogues (which are also enjoyable). If I were to grade Maoyuu at this point, I'd probably give it about 4/5, because of story's steady level during the 8 translated (and loaded with text) chapters.

General Discussions / Re: Schadenfreude
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:02:45 pm »

Well, it's pretty accurate...

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