Groups > Doki Fansubs

The First Time You Came To Doki

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Ok since Clannad Man asked I'll post.
I've been lurking Doki since maybe Feb/March 2010 and the 1st thing I watched from them was F/sn.
I found them through MAL when I was looking who subed F/sn BDs.

Other than that I've dled most of the things they've released even if I haven't watched it all yet.
(yes I've got like 300 GB of backlogs and that doesn't count the LNs, VNs, and rpgs)

I've only started using forums and cbox for about 2 months though.

was looking for a fansub that subbed nogizaka haruka and doki's site popped up on google back in
november 09

i guess this falls under:I learned about Doki without anyone's recommendation.
i accidently voted other sorry

I used to translate unsubbed Japanese films as a hobby. I'm not a computer-y person and I didn't know anything about timing or encoding, so I basically just took Chinese .srt files for existing rips of movies and edited them in Notepad, replacing the Chinese lines with English ones. ^^

I did about seven or eight films like that, mostly posting them anonymously or semi-anonymously to various subtitle websites. The last one I translated, Colorful, was later translated and released by Doki, and it was through that that I met Holo, who asked me to join his group. I hadn't watched any anime fansubs in years and years, and didn't really know Doki nor any modern fansubbing groups. I was also a bit freaked out at releasing my crappy translations with any sort of fanfare. But somehow I ended up saying yes anyway. And now I've been here for a good few seasons. :'D

first time i came to doki i was looking for a BD version of a anime, after that i stayed for the chat xD (and the BDs ofc)

Was a long time lurker well a little over a year and have been downloading most of Doki's releases since mostly due to the great quality put into them. I can't remember the first series I downloaded but I know there are only a few I haven't but anyway I guess I just stumbled here on accident initially.


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