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Messages - Pintglass

Pages: [1]
Requests / Reseed for Shinryaku! Ika Musume 1280x720
« on: June 12, 2012, 05:18:16 am »
Could any kind soul please reseed Shinryaku! Ika Musume (2101) [1280x720]

-Thank you


Thank you so very much :-)

This is one of my favorite series and I am happy that Doki has it :-)


Is there a kind soul that can seed the Doki subbed torrent for Usagi Drop - Vol 3 (1280x720 h264 BD ACC).

I have been trying to download it for a while and the only seed has left now for over a day. I have been stuck now for a while at 46% :_(

If you can help or just want to offer me some pity please do :-)

*I already have the first 2 vol and can't wait until the 4th is released.

Thanks awesome people at Doki :-)


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