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Messages - shawurai

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Visual Novels / Re: Seinarukana Mission Guide
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:37:26 pm »
Fixed all links to the files in the first post.

Dropbox changed sharing rules and I didn't update the links in time. Done now.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:10:28 pm »
Nice. I also bought that Coffee-Kizoku The Blend 2 artbook, though I'm still waiting for mine (I picked the slowest and cheapest shipping option). Hope it's as good as the first one.

I bought mine at Amazon Japan so I got it really fast with the DHL shipping. The book itself doesn't contain any 18+ material like in the first. Kind of normal since the artist stopped working on Noesis games since august 2014 and almost all 18+ material in the first book was from those games. The rest of the illustrations in the new book are from the doujinshi and exclusive shop goods. It's really good and better as the first book is you want an artbook without any 18+ stuff in it.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:34:55 pm »
Last loot arrived just in time this week before 2016 ends.

Coffee-Kizoku artbook The Blend 2 and 2017 calendar

Mahouka books. Kind of an A4 doujinshi format with illustrations from various artists focused on Miyuki.

Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After Game Error Thread
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:35:40 pm »
You might know that the release Doki made is no longer being distributed since October last year as Tomoyo After was getting an official release.
As a result there isn't any further work being done on Doki's released version. Any errors or problems related to it won't be handled by Doki.

The official release that you can buy on Steam does support Win10.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:01:38 pm »
It has been that long??
I'd love to see stuff from other users for a change. Like you said, it's just you and me lately.

And that brings us to more loot. With this my room is as good as packed with things wherever i could place it. I wonder what i'll do now...
I do have one extra romm but no real additional storage or display space there as it already has all the shelving for my manga.

This is yet another coffee-kizoku B0-size tapestry. The 3rd of a total of 4 (the 4th being from Tony). This difference here is that it is of a superior quality in almost every aspect.
This one was a W suede tapestry exclusive from Melonbooks. The others are regular types from Petit Jeuness.

Much ticker material (and about 2-3 times as heavy). The poles are also made of a light metal instead of plastic and the metal poles are just the width of the tapestry. The plastic poles from the Petit Jeuness tapestries are a bit longer and have caps on them to cover the ends. It is still a bit early to say how the metal will react but the plastic does bend a bit over time because of the weight of the tapestry material. The Melonbooks tapestry is a lot heavier so I'm not sure how it will react or stretch and how to poles will shape after a while.

The only negative thing I can point out at this time is that the sides of the Melonbooks tapestry are not as well cut as with Petit Jeuness. The Melonbooks tapestry has a very slight wave in the cut where Petit Jeuness has nice straight cut sides as far as you could see with the naked eye.

Visual Novels / Re: Seinarukana Mission Guide
« on: July 20, 2016, 01:41:44 am »
i finished the chapter 4 mission 2 in 1677 IT to get ss and got s in 1717 IT
so it will be between them, hope it helps OP making the guide

The limit is indeed set at 1699. You can clear it a lot faster but you'll want to level up as much as you can and convert all the mana you have since 1699 is a lot to clear this 2nd mission if you still have a Sands of Time on the map.

That being said.

The files for the 4th chapter are now added to the first post. I should have finished these sooner but I kept delaying progress on it.
I don't know when I'll post chapter 5 but I hope I won't take as long as I did for chapter 4. Anyway, at this point most people are already way past the 4th chapter and going on with the higher difficulties.

- Chapter 4 (v0.1 to v1.0)
   * Translation and terminology updated to be consistent with the JAST release;
   * Mission 2 added to complete the chapter guide.

No mayor differences with the original JP release this time. An update for the event battles file will be made eventually together when I post chapter 5.

On a side note.

Xuse released a very interesting patch for the Special Edition:

Those that have that release should grab the patch as it fixes a mayor bug that has been bothering me for a long time.
In the unpatched version your characters and the enemy stats were way different from what they actually were when you were on the map or in a battle.
Example: Nozomi on the map had a Material protection stat of 118% at level 10 while it should have been 162%. All characters except Katima were affected by this bug. It also messed up the leveling stats. The only point where you had the correct stats was during the battles themselves (not even in the first setup phase) so this patch really is a nice thing even years after the game was released. (the original releases from 2007 didn't have that bug).

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: July 05, 2016, 06:39:59 pm »
I got myself a couple of new books this week.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:40:09 pm »
I got myself some new stuff. It has been several months since my last order came in so here's what I got last week. All coffee-kizoku goodies.

B0-size tapestry for my ceiling.

B2-size tapestry I'll hang up somewhere on my wall (when I find a good spot)

A3-size poster

Visual Novels / Re: Seinarukana Mission Guide
« on: May 17, 2016, 12:23:28 am »
It's been nearly a month now since JAST released the official English release of this. I 'can't say I'm really happy about how this turned out to be. I'm only past chapter 2 at this moment but there's already plenty of stuff they can fix with a patch at this point. Skill information that's not correct, leftover sections of code that appear in conversations, missing voices for one of the tutorials, backgrounds that are missing, messy Photoshop work. the list goes on. It makes me wonder if they even properly tested their work before releasing it.

There's also the annoying stuff that I'm guessing is there because of some consistency that JAST maybe wishes to keep so not to confuse those that played theirs Aselia release? (Not sure myself since I haven't jet played it). I'm referring to the translations used in Seinarukana It is kind of annoying when you keep hearing "Permanent Will" and you need to read "Eternal Relic". Other examples are found in the battle sections. The tutorial clearly explains everything as "Timing" but somehow that got changed to "Phase". An example of this is "Start Support Timing" that got changed to "Encounter Phase". This is also the reason why the background CG for all those ended up so messy.

Other odd stuff in my opinion adding battles that weren't in any of the PC releases made by Xuse. Makes me wonder how they can they worked on the 2007 release when adding is stuff that shouldn't even be there. There's also changing skill names: "Vanish" to "Banish" and "Feather" to "Phaser" (= Zeu skill. Zeu is clearly represented as a raven (or some other bird) with a featherless flapping wing).

But let's get to the main topic.

There's an update for 3 files. More will follow. I'll leave the old version in place for now for those that wish to check the differences. The clearing method hasn't changed at all so no worries there! Some mayor differences are present in the Event Battles (I even replayed the Xuse releases to double check this). Check the log below for details:

- Event Battles (v1.0 to v1.1)
   * Layout updated;
   * Translation and terminology updated to be consistent with the Jast release for chapters 1 and 2;
   * Chapter 1 - An additional 2 event battles were included after the existing 2. These additional battles were NOT in the Xuse PC releases and are ONLY found in the JAST PC release;
   * Chapter 2 - An additional 4 event battles were included between the existing 2. These additional battles were NOT in the Xuse PC releases and are ONLY found in the JAST PC release;
   * Chapter 2 - The original 2nd event battle (with Katima, Nozomu and Nozomi) was updated as it happens at a later time and against a different enemy. This battle was NOT in the Xuse PC releases and is ONLY found in the JAST PC release.

- Chapter 2 (v1.1 to v1.2)
   * Translation and terminology updated to be consistent with the JAST release;
   * Correction: (mission 1 - IT 178) "Story Event" misplaced and moved to correct position at IT 138;

UPDATE 2016-05-26

Chapter 3 updated. No update yet for the event battles. Unlike with chapters 1 and 2 there were no changes made to chapter 3 in the JAST PC release this time. Next update for this file will probably be with chapter 4 release (that will cover both missions this time)

- Chapter 3 (v1.0 to v1.1)
   * Translation and terminology updated to be consistent with the JAST release;
   * Correction: (mission 2 - IT 142) Battle lasts only 3 turns and not 5;
   * Correction: (mission 2 - IT 261) Unit 4 moved and ended it's turn (not Unit 2);
   * Correction: (mission 2 - IT 530) Formation table had an error where Zeu was mentioned twice in Unit 4;
   * Correction: (mission 2 - IT 1530) Turn goes to AR Unit 5 (not Unit 1);
   * Correction: (mission 2 - IT 2032) While technically being enemy "43", the battle with the enemy should be "13" since the numbering was previously reset to "1";
   * Updated leveling order: (mission 2 - IT 408) Order now matches display in the game's menu;
   * Updated leveling order: (mission 2 - IT 1025) Order now matches display in the game's menu;
   * Updated leveling order: (mission 2 - IT 1512) Order now matches display in the game's menu.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:44:44 pm »
@shawurai: You must have one hell of a doujin collection at this point! :D

I usually only pick them from a limited number of the same circles. So it isn't that impressive imo.

Here's today's loot. First day of Made in Asia 2016 (opening evening). Good Smile Company was ones again there and I picked up this year's Nendo Snow Miku (for only 55 EUR) and Nendo Yamato (for 75 EUR). I wouldn't be able to get those prices if I ordered online and had to add shipping and taxes. I'm glad GSC came again this year.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:52:10 pm »
@Rokudaime: I'm really jealous of your Grisaia VN collector!

Loot from last week. Not included are volumes 5 and 6 from TLRD 2nd (I forgot to take the pictures)

First we have Miyuki.

Last a small c89 loot. This is all I got this time.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: December 27, 2015, 08:34:34 pm »
Goodies update.

First a late C88 post. I already posted the first part a while ago. Here's the rest of the stuff I got back then.

WNB and Coffee-Kizoku sets

Various doujinshi (all SFW). I'll be limiting my list of doujinshi for C89 to just a few this time.

Artbook,TLRD 2nd - vol.3 Haruna and Utaha

3 out so far

Last. Coffee-Kizoku 2016 calendar and bonus tapestry.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:43:39 pm »
Some monthly loot. I'm still waiting for my 2nd part of C88 goods to arrive. I'm expecting 3 more packages of that.

Here's a dakimakura cover I bought and vol.1 from the 2nd TLRD season.

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: September 19, 2015, 05:12:16 pm »
Man, that sounds like a lot of work! :P

It was. Not counting the time it took to assemble the stuff I needed, it took me 2 days to get the measurements correctly on the ceiling. The rest was done in a couple of hours on the third day. I did all this on my own, so if you have someone helping you, you should be able to to get it done in a day with the right tools.

Time for some other loot pictures.

This is some older loot from a few months ago. Comic1 loot that arrived just after my B0 tapestries.

Next is why arrived earlier this month. The scale figure can be configured in a SFW and NSFW position.



Little extra you could get if you ordered the more expensive version from AmiAmi

Here's the first part of my C88 loot (rest hasn't shipped/arrived)

And latest Debonosu eroge with preorder goodies

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:04:42 pm »
A few months ago I bought my 2nd B0-size (1030mm x 1456mm) tapestry. Usually you would need a large section of wall space to hang these up. Space that I didn't have in my room. So I opted for the other solution. Hanging them up on my ceiling.

Here are some instructions on how to get these up there:

I bought these simple hooks in a DIY store. These were originally fully closed inox hooks. I used some pliers open them up to a one quarter opening. Fixing them in the ceiling was easy with a small drill and some anchors to keep the hooks in place. Getting the markings up on the ceiling was a bit more tricky. I used a laser guide to project my guideline on the ceiling. This tool makes it a lot easier to measure where you'll need to fix your hooks. If you don't a tool like this, you'll make things a lot harder for yourself especially if you need to do this by yourself. I don't have any method on how to do it without a laser guide. You could consider buying one as they aren't that expensive and while you won't use it that often, it will still come in handy when you do need it. Make sure you get your markings correctly and take into consideration how much you want your tapestry to hang down in the middle.

Get some curtain sticks. I bought these extendable ones. The packages says they go up to 900mm in length, but you can extend them to about 1050mm.

Just hang them up using the opening in your hooks. The I've chosen these because of the small notch next to the ball finish at each end. The hooks fit nicely in these notches so the stick won't move around once up there.

Extended out this much, the stick bends down a little in the middle but this won't be visible anymore once the tapestry is up there as well.

Remove the plastic tubes from the tapestry and dismantle any unneeded parts. You won't need the cord anymore so you can dispose of it if you want. The tapestry I bought here had some plastic caps at the ends of each tube.

The plastic tubes here were too long. The max length I needed was 1040mm. I had to cut of 30 mm from these 1070mm tubes. As I didn't have any fancy equipment for this, I used the rudimentary tools at my disposal.

Refitted the tapestry with the shortened plastic tubes.

All that's left to do is sliding the inox curtain sicks inside the plastic tubes and hanging the thing up on the hooks in the ceiling. As you can see, the solid plastic tubes will remove any bending there was in the curtain stick.

That is all.

Here's the first one I bought.

I prepared my ceiling so I can have up to 4 B0-sized tapestries but you can even hang up smaller sized tapestries using a cord to make up for the difference in length.

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