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Messages - Clannad Man

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:05:02 pm »
Roku: As you mentioned, there aren't too many people posting in these threads, though there seems to be a constant flow of people at least looking through them.  It's fun to see what goodies people have purchased from time to time!

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:15:23 pm »
I've been saying I'd do an update of my Key Collection for ages, so I'll go ahead and post a few. I'll start with a photo of one of the work areas I utilize which is adjacent to a large bookshelf containing a multitude of Key goods. I generally organize my bookshelves according to functionality instead of for display purposes. It's relatively space efficient, allowing me to utilize other areas for work, exercise, and entertainment.

The lowermost shelves contain a assortment of manga and novels from Key works, as well as some doujin materials from Key artist and co-founder Itaru Hinoue. The middle shelf primarily contains Key artbooks (such as the one for Clannad's 10th Anniversary) along with some larger reading material. The shelf second from the top includes various boxed editions of Key visual novels with all original contents for reference purposes. The top shelf contains miscellaneous, rare Key goods. Each item from this section has one or more unique characteristics which makes them stand out from ordinary releases. It's nice to look at them every once in awhile, though I'm always particularly careful with these materials as some cannot be replaced.

In my dress closet I have another bookcase devoted primarily to Key goods. Unlike the items found in the prior picture, the items shown here are meant for exchange. I often get asked if I am familiar with certain Key merchandise. Oftentimes I am and can lead people in the right direction, though on occasion I have also been asked to serve as an intermediary. This happens often enough that I now keep a limited stock of Key visual novels and reading material on hand for those that want to own a copy of their own without the risk of loss or damage from overseas transit. I'm also open to trading with anyone who has unique or unusual items of interest to me.

The top shelves primarily contain first edition releases of Key visual novels, the games from the Memorial Box, the Little Busters! Collector's Edition vinyl, the art gallery edition of White Clover, as well as various albums from Key Sounds Label. The middle shelf primarily contains Key manga, artbooks, and visual fan books. Copies of the limited release rough note collections (in various stages of wear) are also present. The shelf second to the bottom contains misc. books and magazines. Bound copies of Itaru Hinoue's doujin works are placed alongside sewn Key clothing, towels, and sheets. The bottom shelf includes whatever didn't fit on the other shelves, from oversized books and carrying bags to a Nagisa bedsheet, an Air music box, and thin items like mousepads. For me, collecting is about learning what's out there and finding something new & exciting, so I'm happy to share the joy of my hobby with others.

Though these shelves generally did not contain articles of clothing or music, I figured I'd set aside a moment for this piece. This is the original 2008 version of the Little Busters! Jumper, identifiable by the blended embroidery on the chest and the lavender background of the backside decal. I love that it's a large (it fits!), though it is a bit short in the sleeves and the pockets aren't real. Oh well. You win some and lose some, right? ^^

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:33:52 pm »
My friend finally told me he'd be sending my items by the end of the week.  Yay!

Visual Novels / Re: Clannad Translation Project
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:16:27 pm »
That's quite a project to try with a team, let along with one or two people.  Best of luck with spreading the word of Key!

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:37:28 pm »
Hey, Roku!  Nice pics.  I actually don't have that specific Clannad pillow, but I have come across it before.  Nonetheless, you've inspired me to take some pictures of some of the items in my collection.  I'll post them up soon!

General Discussions / Re: It has been a good run
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:03:22 pm »
Tis' a shame.  You can't let people get to you like that!  It's the internet, so take it with a grain of salt.

If this really is the end for you, hensomm, you'll be missed.  My stunt double is deserting me!! *sobs*

Perhaps you just need a long overdue vacation? ^^

Anywho, best of luck to you Hensomm.  Fight on!

Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After
« on: September 23, 2012, 05:40:09 pm »
Hey, I just got forum-promoted! w00t~!

Question, does the ME version just change the ending and text, or does it change the majority of the plot to?

Whenever there is a substantial text change, the plot changes as well.  Does it follow the same general line?  Yes, but because so much is added, playing it will almost be like going through a large DLC add-on for a game.  Memorial does change the plot to a certain extent.

...QQ..... NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ ... GAH .. well that sucks... Is there an unlockable true route in TA like the AS for Clannad and Refrain from Little Busters?

Isn't part of the fun playing through to find out? ^^

Anime / Re: Little Busters gets anime adaptation
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:23:08 pm »
Yeah, but he got *puts sunglasses on* a sharp reprimand.  x.x



Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After
« on: September 16, 2012, 03:35:28 pm »
Sorry guys, I've been focusing on the main page posts and forgot to check back here for awhile.  Gomen!

The team has continued to work on the project diligently.  I would highly recommend checking back on Doki's main page sometime over the next week... 


With Love,
from The Doki Visual Novel Division

Anime / Re: Little Busters gets anime adaptation
« on: September 16, 2012, 03:21:18 pm »
When done badly it makes the protagonist look like an indecisive ass or out to make a harem.

Oh, this made me laugh! ^^

So how does Makoto (from School Days) rate?  He's an indecisive ass AND out to make a harem!

Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After
« on: June 07, 2012, 01:44:44 pm »
Hee. Yeah. Just ask Stephen Colbert. :D

I'm so happy he was chosen as the 69th most beautiful woman in the world!


General Discussions / Re: Schadenfreude
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:07:34 am »
Pitch, Ix... that wsa beutifu;~

Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:24:31 am »
Still going strong, good sir!

General / Re: Post your collection!
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:20:42 am »
I should really post something new here.  I love this topic!  :))

Visual Novels / Re: Tomoyo After
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:08:35 pm »

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