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Announcements / Re: Authorised torrents and trusted users
« Last post by Catar on July 17, 2017, 07:19:57 pm »
Would it be possible to support scene-style group tags as well as Anime-style?

My releases use scene naming (e.g. Tamako.Market.S01.720p-Hi10p.BluRay.AAC2.0.x264-CTR), where the "-CTR" indicates the group tag. I'm assuming this probably won't be picked up by your default parser if it's looking for [AnimeGroup] tags.
Announcements / Re: Authorised torrents and trusted users
« Last post by Knuckalex on July 17, 2017, 11:18:17 am »
Well, since i'm a little "group", i prefer to validate thing manually... BUT it would be very usefull for big groups, i guess.

Active groups will have an option of not allowing non group members to upload torrents containing their tag in future
i'll use it  :hinata:
Suggestions / NFO file
« Last post by Knuckalex on July 17, 2017, 10:50:26 am »
Add an option to put a NFO file when you creat a torrent would be good.
Then, in a new tab, you could check it before downloading ;)
Suggestions / Email notifications for various things
« Last post by Holo on July 17, 2017, 03:50:49 am »
Email notifications for various things:

Email torrent uploader when someone comments on their torrent.

Users can subscribe to groups and be emailed when the group releases something.

Support / BBCode Documentation
« Last post by Holo on July 17, 2017, 03:07:47 am »
Here's a list of supported BBCodes:

[b ] [/b ]
[i ] [/i ]
[u ] [/u ]
[ url = ]link-text[/url ]
[color=red ] [/color ]
[center ] [/center ]
[h1 ] [/h1 ]
[h2 ] [/h2 ]
[h3 ] [/h3 ]
[h4 ] [/h4 ]

[list ][ul ][ol ]
[* ]
[/list ][/ul /[/ol ][/list]
Announcements / Authorised torrents and trusted users
« Last post by Holo on July 17, 2017, 12:26:25 am »
I'm now working on authorised torrents and trusted users.

A torrent will be authorised if a group member posts it with the appropriate group tag.

For example, if the user "Holo" belonging to the group "Doki" posts a torrent tagged with [Doki], then this torrent will be marked as authorised.
Torrents tagged with a group uploaded by a user not belonging to that group will not be marked as authorised.
So if the user "Holo" not belonging to the group "Chihiro" posts a torrent tagged with [Chihiro], then this torrent will not be marked as authorised.

Because this system does not account for people such as, an alternate system will be used for these people.
Since these torrents don't belong to a group, the only way to deal with these will be to use a "Trusted User" system.
In order to become a trusted user, you need to have contributed a significant amount of good content to AniDex, such as and

Active groups will have an option of not allowing non group members to upload torrents containing their tag in future (exceptions will apply, eg if your group is long inactive, then others will be allowed to upload torrents containing your tag).

Please discuss below...

Edit: Scene style tagging (using a suffix of "-tag" as opposed to a prefix of [tag] is also supported)
Suggestions / Re: Picture split into two groups
« Last post by Holo on July 17, 2017, 12:09:41 am »

Pics - Graphics
Pics - Photos

I want short cat names, not long ones...
Announcements / Re: Welcome to the AniDex forums!
« Last post by Holo on July 16, 2017, 09:55:49 pm »
Forums moved to new server (php7)
Bugs / Re: Broken Search with non-ASCII characters (Japanese/Chinese..)
« Last post by Holo on July 16, 2017, 05:37:01 pm »
Bug noted.
Bugs / Broken Search with non-ASCII characters (Japanese/Chinese..)
« Last post by AkanakA on July 15, 2017, 03:10:41 pm »
If try to create a link to a search result in AniDex using non-ASCII characters it breaks. Example:妖少 gives you no results but it fills out the search text correctly. All you need to do is click the magnifying glass and it works fine and returns results.

If you do a simple search for example "妖少" it returns results but if you refresh the page it returns no torrents.
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