Author Topic: Converting MKV and burning to DvD  (Read 32547 times)

Offline LtlP

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Converting MKV and burning to DvD
« on: August 11, 2012, 09:05:47 pm »
My goal was simple convert MKV to AVI or MPG, then copy it to DvD and share with friends, playing them trough regular DvD player's to large screen TV.

Well found a few commercial that place BIG logo middle of screen until you pay, couple of freeware that look promissing but had various success reading the complete mkv (especially the sery Yuru Yuri).

Best one was mkv2vod, but it keeps putting craps diring the titles, with numbering and useless junk. But it did not complle 1/3 of the Yuru Yuri series cutting at 6/10 mins.

Someone on the Doki strip chat suggested XviD4PSP, it rans conversion of the file no probleme even giving impression the file was cleaner. But no mather the format to convert I choose or the options selected it strips the subs. Of course the guy suggesting to use this (Guest1) no longer online.

I'm starting to think that you are stuck to what those anime while connected to computers, and you can't enjoy them in your living room if you computer not there.

Anywone experience with a converter that works & know how to guide a nephyte to follow simple direction, and accomplish this simple activites (well at least i tought should have been simple)

Offline Haxton Fale

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Re: Converting MKV and burning to DvD
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 06:54:58 pm »
Probably the best way to do this is to use this tutorial here.