Author Topic: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo  (Read 68026 times)

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Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:40:25 pm »
Who would win?

Ichigo has:

Naruto has:
Sage mode
Shadow clones
Nine tails cloak

Much as it pains me to side with Bleach on anything, Ichigo's arsenal just seems to be more potent, and his attacks don't require time to charge up. Or am i underestimating Konoha's number one ninja?

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 10:24:40 pm »
We don't actually currently know much about Ichigo's powers, as he's only just recovered them and they seem to have slightly changed (you know, since his outfit changed, that usually indicates a change in powers in Bleach).

As for Naruto, I've only had a quick look at some recent chapters, I don't really know how powerful he currently is.

Of course, I could play the card that Ichigo fights in a spirit form, Naruto wouldn't know what hit him, unless he can see spirits... :P - anime | reviews
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Offline InfinityStream

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 12:56:27 am »
While I would like to say that Haruhi could just will them out of existence and automagically win...

Ichigo. For the same obvious reason as Krozam. And the fact that the Naruto: Shippuden irks me. The original, small kid Naruto was better.
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Offline Clannad_92

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2011, 11:30:24 am »
And the fact that the Naruto: Shippuden irks me. The original, small kid Naruto was better.
me too, he goes to nine tails mode automatically when in danger ;D, and his kyuubi's eye, one word: sexy!
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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 03:29:25 am »
Even if it very unliekly, but i want to see a ova of the two series of those two fighting. But, then again it highly unlikely.

-> I'm siding with Ichigo; he's fast, knows how to use a sword, and has very powerful attacks. If used correctly, Naurto wouldn't stand a chance.
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Offline Sryder

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 08:14:35 am »
Ichigo fights in a spirit form,

This. Also Ichigo would just cut his soul ties. :D - anime | manga | reviews

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2012, 11:23:37 pm »

But wait, doesn't Naruto have the Nine Tails cloak form or something? Wouldn't this be the same as Ichigo spirit form (or bankai form)?

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Offline trol69

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2012, 10:40:18 pm »
naruto obv!!

Offline korn7809

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2012, 05:32:48 am »
It would end in a draw because they are pretty much the exact same.  Idiots that unleash a hidden power when they are about to lose.

Fail contest :D

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2012, 12:17:52 am »
I like Naruto much more than Bleach, but I'd have to say if it's Ichigo versus Naruto, then Ichigo would win, especially if he was in his Final Form, despite Naruto's newfound Yellow Flash level speed due to his Kyuubi cloak. Speedwise they're both godlike, but and Naruto is more versatile, but Ichigo would win just because of share power...In his Final Form he can blow up a mountain just by swinging his sword once for god's sake...He also has even stronger defense than Naruto's cloak I think, since Aizen's full power level 90 Destructive Art didn't phase him at all...And then there's the whole Naruto wouldn't be able to see him thing...
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Offline doki2x

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2013, 06:29:03 pm »
For me, even naruto change looks because of his kuubi. I feel like his power never change at all. Well, i guess only in speed and his rasengan got much bigger. but if he is really gotten stronger than the other, why would sasuke and other kages can much him? If the kyuubis power is really that strong why the other shinobi can much him? Thats why i felt that he didnt much change at all when it comes to power, just in the appearance.

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2013, 11:28:52 pm »
For me, even naruto change looks because of his kuubi. I feel like his power never change at all. Well, i guess only in speed and his rasengan got much bigger. but if he is really gotten stronger than the other, why would sasuke and other kages can much him? If the kyuubis power is really that strong why the other shinobi can much him? Thats why i felt that he didnt much change at all when it comes to power, just in the appearance.

With full and free access to his Kyuubi chakra, he has a ridicilously huge amount of chakra available to him, to such a degree that even after creating a ton of shadow clones while in Kyuubi form, just one of those clones alone were still able to pull off a Rankaiten (violently spiraling) Rasengan, Rasen Shuriken, and an attempt at a Bijuu Bomb, before running out of enough chakra to dispel the Kyuubi cloak. He held his own against the third Raikage. All of that, with just a shadow clone! And then said shadow clone finished off by using Sage Mode and a Rasengan to defeat the third Raikage.

That's one thing. Next, his cloak allows him to sense not only chakra like other sensory-type ninja can do, he can even sense "evil intent", which no-one else currently alive can do. So nobody can hide from him. Then there's the fact that he's now the fastest ninja alive, possibly along with Ay (the fourth Raikage), making him the second-fastest shinobi in history (after Minato, which I think was still a bit faster than he currently is...Maybe...). He also has the ability to extend his Kyuubi chakra into arms, which together with his speed means he's a monster at Taijutsu. He can also use his Kyuubi chakra arms to create multiple Rasengans (Rasen Rangan), a massive Rasengan, or theoretically, even multiple Rasen Shurikens (remember he used two tiny Kyuubi chakra arms on his finger to make a mini-Rasen Shuriken). And let's not forget the Bijuu Bomb of course, a seriously powerful attack. And all of this comes in addition to what he already had: Sage Mode, Summoning Jutsu, Tajuu Kage Bunshin, all his older Rasengan attacks, and Frog Fu. And his ability to heal wounds quickly due to the Kyuubi.

In terms of both power and offense, speed and agility, stamina, sensory, ninjutsu and taijutsu, Naruto is top-notch. The only areas where he is lacking are defense (although he does have his fast healing ability) and genjutsu. However, the Nine-Tails can wake Naruto up from genjutsu thrown at him in the same way that the Eight-Tails did with Bee in his fight against Sasuke (and that was against a genjutsu cast by a Mangekyou Sharingan no less!). So basically genjutsu are useless against him, and he'd beat most people in a test of taijutsu because of his speed and his Kyuubi chakra mode arms (though the third and fourth Raikage has him beat. I'm also not sure how he'd fare against Gai with 7 gates open...). So the best bet to beat him is to best him with ninjutsu, but Naruto's own ninjutsu are very powerful.

P.S: Not criticising you or trying to be mean here, but I'm not sure what you mean by "can much him". That doesn't work in English. Just thought I'd point that out. I'm guessing you're trying to ask why Sasuke and the kages would be able to beat/defeat/best him (Naruto)? And the reason Sasuke could potentially match Naruto in a fight is simple: Susano'o+Amaterasu. Ultimate, impenetrable defense, and instant deadly attacks. Though I'd like to think that Naruto would use his speed and sensory abilities to avoid all of Sasuke's attacks, and then just use his crazy stamina and huge chakra capacity to simply outlast sasuke, and wear him down until he can't keep his Susano'o up any longer.
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2013, 11:33:42 pm »
For me, even naruto change looks because of his kuubi. I feel like his power never change at all. Well, i guess only in speed and his rasengan got much bigger. but if he is really gotten stronger than the other, why would sasuke and other kages can much him? If the kyuubis power is really that strong why the other shinobi can much him? Thats why i felt that he didnt much change at all when it comes to power, just in the appearance.

With full and free access to his Kyuubi chakra, he has a ridicilously huge amount of chakra available to him, to such a degree that even after creating a ton of shadow clones while in Kyuubi form, just one of those clones alone were still able to pull off a Rankaiten (violently spiraling) Rasengan, Rasen Shuriken, and an attempt at a Bijuu Bomb, before running out of enough chakra to dispel the Kyuubi cloak. He held his own against the third Raikage. All of that, with just a shadow clone! And then said shadow clone finished off by using Sage Mode and a Rasengan to defeat the third Raikage.

That's one thing. Next, his cloak allows him to sense not only chakra like other sensory-type ninja can do, he can even sense "evil intent", which no-one else currently alive can do. So nobody can hide from him. Then there's the fact that he's now the fastest ninja alive, possibly along with Ay (the fourth Raikage), making him the second-fastest shinobi in history (after Minato, which I think was still a bit faster than he currently is...Maybe...). He also has the ability to extend his Kyuubi chakra into arms, which together with his speed means he's a monster at Taijutsu. He can also use his Kyuubi chakra arms to create multiple Rasengans (Rasen Rangan), a massive Rasengan, or theoretically, even multiple Rasen Shurikens (remember he used two tiny Kyuubi chakra arms on his finger to make a mini-Rasen Shuriken). And let's not forget the Bijuu Bomb of course, a seriously powerful attack. And all of this comes in addition to what he already had: Sage Mode, Summoning Jutsu, Tajuu Kage Bunshin, all his older Rasengan attacks, and Frog Fu. And his ability to heal wounds quickly due to the Kyuubi.

In terms of both power and offense, speed and agility, stamina, sensory, ninjutsu and taijutsu, Naruto is top-notch. The only areas where he is lacking are defense (although he does have his fast healing ability) and genjutsu. However, the Nine-Tails can wake Naruto up from genjutsu thrown at him in the same way that the Eight-Tails did with Bee in his fight against Sasuke (and that was against a genjutsu cast by a Mangekyou Sharingan no less!). So basically genjutsu are useless against him, and he'd beat most people in a test of taijutsu because of his speed and his Kyuubi chakra mode arms (though the third and fourth Raikage has him beat. I'm also not sure how he'd fare against Gai with 7 gates open...). So the best bet to beat him is to best him with ninjutsu, but Naruto's own ninjutsu are very powerful.

P.S: Not criticising you or trying to be mean here, but I'm not sure what you mean by "can much him". That doesn't work in English. Just thought I'd point that out. I'm guessing you're trying to ask why Sasuke and the kages would be able to beat/defeat/best him (Naruto)? And the reason Sasuke could potentially match Naruto in a fight is simple: Susano'o+Amaterasu. Ultimate, impenetrable defense, and instant deadly attacks. Though I'd like to think that Naruto would use his speed and sensory abilities to avoid all of Sasuke's attacks, and then just use his crazy stamina and huge chakra capacity to simply outlast Sasuke, and wear him down until he can't keep his Susano'o up any longer.
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2014, 02:17:13 am »
Ichigo all the way. Naruto just moves too slow. All he would have to do is flash step in and its over.

Offline titsy

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Re: Round 1: Uzumaki Naruto vs Kurosaki Ichigo
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2016, 04:48:37 am »
naruto's way better