Author Topic: Beginning of Man  (Read 22049 times)

Offline hensomm

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Beginning of Man
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:02:22 am »
Hello Doki,

So I have been thinking/planning this game out for a while and I decided to do a beta run here on the forums to see how well it works out.

Basically here is how it goes from the map below you pick a single province (Download the map mark the top three territories you want and PM the pic back to me) provinces are first come first serve.

Once you have a province you will have 1000 citizens and enough food for 1050 citizens, and your population will increase +5 (default) per day (real time)

For every 1k (1000) Citizens you get to make one decision of your own choice. Examples being: Exploring territory, building roads, making weapons, expanding farm land, ext.

And the outcomes of these choices will be made at random (with statistical balances)

Some territories have pros and cons like having great iron production, but horrible food production (null if starting location)

Now here comes some more fun customization, you get to choose your own government system each of which having their own pros and cons but you get to decide how your people are ruled. Be careful to notice that more authoritarian rule creates a higher likelihood for revolt but you make more money, the opposite for more free democratic like governments.

And finally even though you will be playing against other Doki members I will be placing the hand of god down on the map every now and then, mongol hordes, plagues, famine, ext (at random)

Here is the map, I plan to start once we reach 10-15 people, late comers to the game are completely welcome but should be wary.

PS all decisions should be PM'd to me, I will continuously post pics of the map and updates for territories.

P.s.s don't forget to pick a name for your territory, what you choose WILL have an outcome. Names can always be changed so naming your land the Grand Dutch Empire of Mexico while you are in Turkey will have negative effects

Offline hensomm

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Re: Beginning of Man
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 04:03:31 pm »
Have been told 10-15 is too many people for a starting point (take too long) So I will go at 5 people, but late comers are completely welcome.

Offline hensomm

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Re: Beginning of Man
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 04:19:42 am »
Alright so we have our first five players *Small Cheer*

I wasn't expecting to get as many players as quick as this, and I may or may not be going on vacation for a week starting tomorrow, family complications and BS blah blah blah. So here is the starting map with the first five people.
You are always welcome to join whenever! Message me!

Hensomm-Light Blue
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Re: Beginning of Man
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 06:44:28 am »
I'm "the fucker" rofl