Author Topic: Clannad/Charlotte Writer Jun Maeda Reveals He Needs Heart Transplant  (Read 27036 times)

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I'm so saddened by this...I thought he was gonna be OK after reading about that tweet he made in the beginning of July, but then I read about this new week old tweet a month later... :-( Damn...I really hope he's gonna be all right, or as all right as he can be I guess, and that he still has a good while left to live, since knowing that he needs a heart transplant, he's obviously never gonna be completely OK...It sounds like he's positive, and says that he still has a long time left to live, but I don't know...I'm still very worried...Maeda-san has created a lot of amazing emotional works that have had big impacts on me, such as Kanon, Clannad, Angel Beats! and Little Busters!. He's an amazing person and artist, and I really hope the best for him. The irony of the fact that the main character in Angel Beats! died of heart failure feels pretty unpleasant to me at the moment tbh...
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

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Re: Clannad/Charlotte Writer Jun Maeda Reveals He Needs Heart Transplant
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2016, 10:44:50 am »
That's a pretty sad story...

Maybe it's Kanade's turn to donate her heart to him.