Author Topic: some HTML minor bugs  (Read 26241 times)

Offline atrealis

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some HTML minor bugs
« on: May 26, 2018, 11:40:14 am »
  • On headers, content of meta description should be inside quotation marks
Code: (html) [Select]
<meta name="description" content=A torrent tracker specialising in content from East Asia, including anime, manga, music, adult videos and more.>to
Code: (html) [Select]
<meta name="description" content="A torrent tracker specialising in content from East Asia, including anime, manga, music, adult videos and more.">
  • On searching results (and since the website support it), RSS button link should include search query in it's content
Code: [Select]
Code: (php) [Select]
echo '/rss/?'.if(isset($_GET['cat'])){echo 'cat='.$_GET['cat'];}.'&'.if(isset($_GET['q'])){echo 'q='.$_GET['q'];};
  • As a side note
You forgot to close the <div class="container"> on your hologfx website.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 10:48:48 am by atrealis »