Author Topic: [RPG] The Wings of Hall  (Read 157535 times)

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[RPG] The Wings of Hall
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:23:25 pm »
The Wings of Hall

The fortress of Beil, in Eastern Nantii. Currently controlled by Duke Tevor, but besieged by Duke Solius.

Night was falling on the Hills of Beil. Torches were lit in the camp of Duke Solius' army, which spread all over the hills surrounding the impressive fortress. Looking upon the scene from a bird's view, you might think it a disorganized sight, but that was just an illusion created by the disruptive hills. In truth, Duke Solius' army was an oasis of order in the chaos that gripped the whole of Nantii. And it was all thanks to one man: Commander Haakon, the unquestioned leader of this army.
   Haakon's tent was situated opposite to the fortress gates, on top of a high hill that gave an unobstructed view towards the fortress. Two armed-to-the-teeth elite guards stood at the entrance. Inside, two men held counsel.
"Tell me honestly... can you do it?" A man sitting behind a desk asked the other man, sitting opposite him on the other side of the desk.
   "I'm not good with calculating chances," the other man replied with a completely straight face, "so I'll just say 'yes'."
   The man behind the desk sighed and leaned back on his heavy wooden chair, his armor rustling like a bag of coins. "I know your reputation, but we are talking about the Fortress of Beil. It has never been taken with force during its four hundred years of history. I would hate to waste your enormous advance pay because of your arrogance."
   "Life is full of risks, Commander. You know as well as I do that this is the most viable option we have in this situation. Time is running short, we need to get inside within a month. And believe it or not, The Wings of Hall are your best shot."
   Commander Haakon stood up. He was a large man, around his mid-forties, with a very... commanding presence. He was wearing a full-body plate armor - the thing probably weighed as much as the man himself - seemingly without much effort. Nicolaos had to admit he felt genuine respect for this man. Which is why he'd made a contract with Duke Solius in the first place, instead of someone among his dozen of rivals.
   "Wine?" The Commander asked, reaching for the carafe of red wine on his desk.
   "No thank you." Nicolaos shook his head slightly. He was dressed in his usual attire: a brown, hoodless robe of fine make and some embroidery, a red sash on his waist. The curved blade on his back also had a red cloth on its hilt, the mark of a Rowosian Swordmaster. He wore no armor whatsoever, indicating a strong faith in his skill and the divine protection of his god.
   "It's about time," the cleric said, rising on his feet, after a moment of companionable silence.
   "Yes. Good luck on your mission. I'll be waiting for the crow."
   Nicolaos turned his back, waved his left hand casually in acknowledgement, and headed out of the tent.

Outside, barely a hundred meters from the tent, waited his band of mercenaries. Nicolaos calmly walked the path down the hill. He felt their eyes on him, some expectant, some indifferent. His face was expressionless, unwavering. He did not stop when he reached them. He walked right through the group and headed towards the fortress.
   "Let's go," was all he said to them.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 12:18:34 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Offline Irie Naoki

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 10:15:40 pm »
Having traveled for a long time finally being able to rest, Darwin sits down on a chair small distance away from the others, looking into the sky and seeing the clouds move slowly. His sword stabbed to the ground standing without having to hold it. Aching to go fly and soar with the clouds waiting as Nicolaos walked into the commander's tent while the others were chatting.

Opening his water bottle to get a drink he notices that its empty. While walking to refill the bottle he notices a woman who was around some of the soldiers. A good looking woman in the near thirties with quite heavy plate armor and a duble edged sword she is holding while the end is stuck to the ground. While filling the bottle as Darwin stares at her he notices that she looks over to him and smiles alittle. Quickly he turned around and turned a little red on his cheekes in embaresment. As he walked back to the tent he thought about that woman, sitting at his seat again and looking at the clouds.

As Nicolaos walked down the road with determination in his eyes Darwin knew we got the job, waiting for him to give the order.
   "Lets go" Nicolaos said
Darwin grabbed his sword and placed it on his back while following him but sad that he did not get to know the womans name.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 07:22:31 pm by Irie Naoki »

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 10:25:32 pm »
Aidan had followed Nicholas on a long march through these lands, his equipment tied to his body by various leather harnesses to use as weight training across the long march.  They had followed the army to this large fortress, an impressive edifice high on the hill of unfeeling stone that stared condescendingly down upon the pitiful ants that sought to claim it's walls.  The towering edifices were impressive, but the awe of such great fortresses had faded by now.  Be it walls of wood and earth of his home or mountains of stone of these lands-the tactics to make them fall was always the same.

The camp was obviously led by practiced soldiers, for they worked efficiently and effectively at surrounding and entrenching the fortress upon arrival.  The chain of command allowing for quick duties, and making sure even new recruits had the skills to correctly dig latrines and setup tents while more experienced individuals dug into the fortress outside arrow distance to create siegeworks that completely sealed all exits while maintaining a defense network for those monitoring movement.  The work was impressive, and he had a general understanding even if some of the local barbarian traditions weren't done by his own men.

It was effective work, but for now he stood near the command tent.  His shield rested on the ground, hard packed from numerous feet pounding along it, it's painted surface flashing with numerous colors in the torchlight.  His sword was attached to his lower back by a harness and sheath, cover by his cloak as his knees had him knelt and bent, his short spear held in hand and leaned against his shoulder.

Bathed in flashing shadow and light of the torches was his bare body, open to the elements besides the cloak.  His skin had patterns of holy paint upon it, divine protection enhancing his physique and defending him with the god of wars hand.  He muttered silently, listening to the group around him as he contemplated what may come.  He was in a distant land fighting foriegn wars, but would be happy to finally get into battle.  His mind drifted inward as his senses stayed outward, tactically viewing what may happen by night end. 

He jolted up as Nicholas came out, standing and pulling up his shield as he walked by.  His body became much more visible as he turned, the heavy cloak flying up a little as he silently followed the commander.  Twould be a long night.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 10:47:59 pm »
Harold continued checking his pouches for holes and sturdiness.  Satisfied with them, he laid them in a pile, ready to be secreted.  He checked over his mattock for nicks and cracks.  He noted a couple but decided they weren't bad enough that he'd need to drop it off to the blacksmith.  When he does, he'll add a couple more units of weight to make it slightly heavier.  He pulled out his leather cloak and put it on.  Checking over it's pockets, he starts putting satchels of powder into various pockets, then moved a couple of katas to make sure his movements were unrestricted and silent.  Noticing a jangle, he pulled out some loose coins and put them into his money pouch.

As he picked up his mattock, Nicolaos came up, stating, "Let's go."  Harold picked up his pack and puts it on.  Holding his mattock, starts marching behind the group.  Grimly, he thought, "Another day, more shit." and sighed.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2011, 10:49:37 pm »
It had been a long while since the last battle, and Ishman was anxious to polish his technique. Last time he had miscalculated the protection a plate mail gave, and though the man was in no condition to fight afterwards, he did not die, as Ishman had intended. He needed to correct this... imperfection, in his technique.

Though the camp didn't lack squires and servants to suit Ishman's needs, he feared too long of a lay-off would rust his movements. Or worse, his mind. He had performed the 138 forms everyday, to keep his body well conditioned, but only real battle could keep the mind sharp.

Fortunately, Nicolaos had been summoned to a meeting with Commander Haakon, and it seemed they would see action soon. The fortress of Beil was indeed a good challenge. It had never been conquered before. He wasn't very informed on the history of Nantii, but he doubted there had ever been anyone like Commander Haakon commanding the assault before. The mercenary group fitted Ishman's needs better, but Haakon was indeed a great general, who lead his soldier with efficiency. But eventually the war would be over, and Haakon's army would dissolve. Mercenary groups, on the other hand, always found work.

Ishman had been meditating by sitting on his knees with his hands on his thighs, when Nicolaos finally walked out. He waited until the Captain walked past him, and heard him talk.

"Let's go." The words Ishman had been waiting for. He rose up and turned to follow the Captain.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2011, 10:57:52 pm »
Acan stared at the high walls of the castle with a thoughtful look on his face, leaning on his massive crossbow. In the impending darkness the massive structure was quite an intimidating sight, as well as somehow ominous. He was struck by a feeling that this job would be far from easy.

It looked like a challenge. Then again, he'd had his share of challenges in his quite eventful life. Hard to find anything worse than he'd already been through, the man concluded as was his habit. Or anything more dangerous than the people he was currently sticking with, for that matter. He wasn't eager to invade a castle with a group of a dozen, but he was no less calm than usual and as he heard Nicolaos speak he straightened slowly and set to follow the rest alongside Harold.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2011, 11:01:48 pm »
Cathair stood some distance from the rest of the group, silent apart from the tinkle of his chain mail in the light wind, he stared at the castle and camp, obviously slightly impatient. One hand slipped to a belt where he kept a small flask containing whatever swill passed for drink in this place, he uncorked the flask and took a long swig before swiftly replacing it upon his belt. He smirked as he watched another skirmish break out along the walls as the sky by the walls blackened under a hail of arrows and crossbow bolts as defender and besieger exchanged fire, muttering quietly to himself "Plenty of blood for the gods t'day"

He soon tired of watching the foreigners kill each-other and a trail of dust caught his eye, a raiding party leaving to harass the local villages, burn crops and generally damage the morale of the region. Cathair had managed to attach himself to a number of these raids and relieved his boredom for a few hours while the foreign dogs deliberated upon the best tactic to take the castle. Of course, Cathair had already suggested a cunning strategy, to find the families of the men in the fortress and kill them, one by one, before firing the bloated corpses into the castle to spread terror and disease... The others believed it unnecessarily cruel.

Cathair shook his head and his hand moved to a silver chain around his neck, his fingers brushed the pendant before he tenderly gripped it slowly pulling it up into his vision. The pendant was carved in the shape of a Howling wolf, the detail so intricate, so deep that one would swear that it was a real wolf, that one could count the number of hairs upon it's face, that one could hear it's howl in the night. If one looked closely at the metalwork, the detail, the design, small blood red veins, so tiny only the most observant would notice them could be seen criss crossing the wolfs fur, adding detail, making it seem alive. Cathair eyed it for a few moments quietly, a small smile on his lips as he uttered a prayer in his native tongue. "Is mian liom mo chuid fola leis an mac tíre, mar a rinne mo shinsir os mo chomhair, i súil déanfaidh sé treoir dom, liom a chosaint, agus deontas an chumhacht dom a mharú go léir a bheadh ​​ag leomh seasamh ar an mbealach ar ár gcinniúint" as he spoke he went down on one knee, pulling his knife from his boot and quietly pulling it over hand that grasped the pendant, watching the blood soak the wolf as he closed his hand over the pendant, looking up at the sky and murmuring "Is é an comhaontú a rinneadh "

As he finished his ritual he saw Nicolaos approach and slowly rose to his feet, letting go of his blood soaked pendant and sliding back within his shirt, his hand dripping blood slowly upon the floor. He nodded at Nicolaos and murmured quietly "I'm ready aye." leaving his still bleeding hand at his side as he turned to leave with the rest of the group.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2011, 11:57:22 pm »

I watch as Nicolas leaves our little 'camp' as he walks towards the main tent of Solius's army. I can only wonder what he's gotten us into again.

I sit down, content to watch the stars as the night sky rolls by in it's vast expanse. A few clouds cover some of the stars as they travel across. The constellations aren't bright as they had been during my days in the mountains. Tonight, they were blocked out by too much light from the many fires surrounding this compound we were going to infiltrate.

I had listened to Cathair's 'strategy' only to dismiss it openly.

"Unnecessary," I had told him. "Too much for so little."

Some had nodded in agreement, others ignored him anyway. I can't really imagine why you'd have to kill then launch their dead corpses over the walls just to take out the rest. It should be clear that once the fort was taken, Solius's army would take care of stragglers. We didn't need any more attention brought on ourselves. We were already putting up with his vulgar ritual. He should really just keep it at that.

Ishman was meditating. Acan was staring at the high walls. Darwin had just come back from... something. Looking at us, you wouldn't think we were a group with deadly efficiency. You wouldn't think we were a group that followed orders to the dot of an 'i'.

But I guess that's what we are. Too long had passed since I last fought in such a battle. The pay was high, the job expectancy was higher. Would I have to go all out or would I just end up mechanically killing once again? Walking through group after group, taking out as much as possible with as little exertion as possible. Would I have to use my Ki again? Or would I just depend on my learned skill from seven years ago?

Would thoughts of her distract me or push me forward?

I watch as Nicolas walks back towards us, his hand making gestures to prepare. Of course, he knew we were already prepared.

"Let's go."

I pull on the hilt of my blade and strap it to my side. I safely adjust my glasses so they won't fall off in the battle.

It would be a too short of a night to let go of the years behind me.
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 02:24:09 am »
It was as if death was standing amongst them. If you looked carefully, you could see a tall figure whose existence felt out of place. It was as if his being there was breaking some laws, his presence there being weird. In the Wings of Hall, this presence was not normally "felt". If you didn't know about him, you probably didn't notice him, like a presence in the back of your eye.

This tall figure however bore a name, a name that was forced upon him by the people. Nex Addo was one of the members of the group. His presence was being hidden by magic that Nex Addo usually keeps around him in order to hide his presence.

Nex had seen Nicolaos go off to meet the commander, and while waiting for the result, he stared at the dark structure that lay over his eyes, the great fortress Beil.

Nex was old, really old, and looking at the fortress he started reminiscing on the days when this fortress was built. The fortress did not have a happy story behind it, as it was built when chaos and corruption lay on these lands. Under his breath, Nex said in a low tone: "It's been a while, Beil."

When Nicolaos finally came out from the tent, he said 2 words Nex had been waiting for: "Let's go". Nex knew full well how strong this structure is and breaking into it is going to prove to be quite the challenge. The thought of that brought a slight smile on Nex's face, something that suprised himself.

Nex didn't really like the group he was in and most of the time he kept to himself in the back line. The battles are not his problem. The outcome doesn't matter to Nex because this was not his time. He existed on a whole different times, and for him, this was merely some ants fighting it out. Whether a battle went one way or another did not change Nex's situation or position. However he felt that he should mention one thing to Nicolaos before they went on their mission.

With that thought in mind, Nex caught up with Nicolaos and said: "I thought you should know that there are empty pockets inside the bridge and under it. I don't know if it is there to contain explosives but if the bridge should fall, we are going to need another way out," in a low voice so the others couldn't hear. Before finally leaving Nicolaos side, he added: "I'd be damned if I am to build a new one using earth magic," and with that he left his side.

Nex, thinking as he saw the structure that maybe he should just sit this one out. The thought of challenging the great Beil did however cross his mind.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 03:38:50 am by TheThing »
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2011, 04:58:23 am »
As Nicolaos walked off to talk to the Commander, Jimmy threw himself onto the ground to relax.  As he was lying on his back he was thinking about how he and Nex could have one of there sneaky contests during the invasion of the fortress of Beil.

After a few minutes of lying down Jimmy suddenly sat bold upright. "Damn my katana's are dirty" he complained. He whipped out a cloth and started to polish his beloved blades. While he was polishing his blades he was musing over Cathair's plan. "I cant believe he would even suggest a plan like that. Its not right killing women and children"

Just as he had finished polishing his blades and sheathing his daggers Nicolaos walked out of the Commanders tent. When he heard Nicolaos say "Let's go" a smile slowly spread across Jimmy's face. This was going to be a huge challenge and he loved a good challenge.
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2011, 08:18:31 am »
Lissa was standing alone practicing with her sword a bit further away from the camp when Nicolaos went to talk to the commander. She said "This should be enough before the battle" and stoped with the practice. She returned to the camp where the others are and looked at the tremendous castle they were gonna attack soon. "This is gonna be a challenge now" she said and sat down on a rock. She looked through her equipment to see if there was something missing or not. It have been a while since their last battle and she didn't want to suddenly notice something were missing.

A few minutes later she stood up and went to the well to get some water to refill her pouch. On the way to the well she watched soldiers as they came and went, some were severely wounded and some only had minor injuries. When she was getting the refill for the pouch she noticed that a lot of soldiers were watching her. she mumbled for herself "This is to be expected, there isn't many women that fights in wars or joins mercenary groups". When she had refilled the pouch, she returned to the camp to see Nicolaos walk out of the tent and towards the group and said "Let's go". Lissa took her packing's and walked behind the others and thought that this is gonna be interesting.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 05:56:46 pm by Hollow nyan-chan »

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2011, 05:07:18 pm »

The passage of time stands still as she waits on bated breath for word of tonight. Nicolas has left to get word of the fight in the nigh impenetrable fortress of Beil. High walls. Soldiers armed to the teeth. For four hundred years, the fortress stood as a symbol of power of the people that depended on it. For four hundred years, the world had desperately tried to force open its gates.

Those four hundred years would hopefully end tonight and the Wings of Hall would be on their merry way, drinking and chatting to such a huge score of wealth.

She follows the gaze of Cathair as he watches another attempt to take the fort. The least it would do was serve as a distraction when the Wings took their turn.

She looks away at the sight of more human despair. More human plight. And hides a cruel smile at the thought of people leaving such a world. "Good riddance," she says under her breath. Only one member seemed to notice.

Nicolas had appeared again.

"Let's go."

She follows him, preparing a small incantation to hopefully block arrows that would come her, Lissa's, and Estria's way.
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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2011, 08:38:47 pm »

She sat, absentmindedly whittling arrow shafts out of pine boughs she plucked from a tree a few days ago. Her eyes wandered around the camp, taking in the actions of her companions. Nex, quiet and solemn as usual stood with such an air about him that you wouldn't notice him standing there unless you tried. Lissa practiced her sword techniques in seclusion outside the camp, ignoring the stares of men wondering about the presence of a woman so close to battle.

"Such a strong girl," Thought Estia, putting the finishing touches on the fletching of an arrow.

"Haec recta, et vera sagittam volantem." She whispered, enchanting the feathers for accuracy.

"There's not much arrows can do against a fortress,though perhaps someone has a plan.." She murmured as she sheathed the unfinished arrow in her quiver. Stretching her arms, she slung the quiver onto her back and adjusted the unstrung yew bow.

Standing up, she watched as Nicolas left the tent. As he walked past the diverse band of mercenaries he said simply, "Lets go." Seemingly as one, the wings of hall shadowed behind him. Estia joined them, bringing up the rear with Lissa.

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2011, 08:49:26 pm »
Nicolaos whistled.
   "Our mission - as many of you have no doubt already guessed - is to sneak in and open the gates." He spoke to the group over his shoulder while leading them through the camp. "Our primary plan is to find the back door. A fortress as well designed as Beil must have one, though very well hidden and most certainly well guarded. Expect illusions, traps and battle. In that order. We have three days: if we haven't found the tunnel by then, we'll go with plan B."
   A sound of flapping wings was heard from their right, and in a moment a dark bird landed on Nicolaos' upraised arm. It was Jaar, the raven Messenger of Hall, summoned by the whistle. They spent a moment staring at each other in silence, then the bird spread its wings and flew off towards the fortress.
   They arrived to a large supply tent, in front of which there was a pile of backpacks. They were still far enough to not have to worry about any arrows or bolts fired from the walls. Nicolaos grabbed a pack and swung it on his back briskly. "Our supplies. One for everyone. Someone be a gentleman and carry Nex's backpack." He said this with a completely straight face, without a hint of mockery in his voice.
   "We'll worry about the explosives under the bridge later," he said, turning to speak to Nex. "Do you have any idea where the back door might be?"
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 01:50:21 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Offline Irie Naoki

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Re: [RPG] The Wings of Hall
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2011, 09:53:23 pm »
As they were walking Darwin noticed the Fortress. With it rising and looking bigger and bigger.
He noticed a tent with the same number of backpacks as the group. Nicolaos told us the mission and while speaking to the child of the Devil ((Nex)) in Darwins eyes, he looks over the fortress thinking off an idea.

Darwin walked toward the tent and picked up a backpack with one hand, held it to check the weight and then put it on the ground and turned to Nic
  "As an Avian I have the needs to fly and soar through the sky. if you would like I could soar around the castle to search from the air if I can see a blind spot or spot the hidden passage."
  He looked to the sky and saw some clouds that floated in the sky. He felt uneasy about the situation and gripped his sword tighter.
  "Even if they do spot me there is no chance in this world or the next that they would be able to hit me. Arrows or magic they are just amatures in the castle." he said with a grin on his face.

Even if he was confident he was still unsure if he would be able to find anything off use by going to the sky.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 12:10:55 am by Irie Naoki »