Author Topic: What Did You Just Finish?  (Read 135976 times)

Offline Krozam

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2012, 05:51:41 pm »
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica

A nice, entertaining action fantasy, comparable to Brave10 and such. The male lead is pretty badass, and his nonchalant pervertedness brings some good comedy into the mix. Somewhat simple and predictable he is, but his coolness and likeable personality far outweigh this flaw. My interest in the other characters varies, some are pretty interesting, some are bland and boring. Some of the central characters are given some depth, but overall they're just as simple and thin as you can expect from an action-oriented show - so far. As for the plot... well, the first half, while entertaining, felt like playing around, and it only really got interesting to me on the second half. It has potential to continue getting more and more interesting in following seasons, provided such are made (the ending clearly suggests they're prepared to continue if a second season is green-lit), there is a fair amount of unsolved mysteries and two worlds with different settings to explore. Not to mention the basic concept of the story, which has potential for much more than this first season of Hagure achieved.

My problem from the start was that I wasn't really... feeling it. The story, while interesting and entertaining on some level, left me cold until the last few eps, which drew me in a bit more. Too many of the characters are one-dimensional and boring, and I didn't really get attached to any of them (even the ones given some depth), though I did get a few pleasant surprises in the end (the deal with the bully, to name one that left me an impression). Overall, I was well entertained and I'd definitely watch more of this, but there are some areas that I hope would be improved in the second season. 3.5/5 stars. - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2012, 11:58:28 pm »
ToAru Majutsu no Index ^ ToAru Kagaku no Railgun

Sci-fi, comedy, supernatural

Both are the same anime (as you can probably see for yourselfs), but they have 2 different sides of the world to focus on. Majutsu (which means magic) focuses on the magic side of the world (no shit!(^□^*)), while Kagaku (which means science) focuses on the science side of the world. The stories of both are very well composed and has some cool features, battles, twists and more. The endings of both are also satisfying to watch. There are many that can complain about them, but they were done perfectly. d(-_^)

Some of what they did best with this anime, was the personalities of the characters. They are all special, from a sixty years old loli, to 20.000 clones all talking in the same way and with the same cold expression. Every character is very special! (^∀^*) The relations between the main characters are also very variated and carefully thought out and it feels like they're really friends/enemies. It also makes viewers of the series feel that they know the characters personally.
Most of the story revolves around the main characters interacting with each other in some sort of way, either fightning each other or biting and harrasing each other for the funs. (_ _)ヾ(‘ ロ ‘)

Battles/conflicts: (>_<)○------(^o^)○
If you have watched and liked Hajime no Ippo, i recommend you to watch toaru too! This is like falcon punch central (well at least Majutsu). The main character is always using though punches to defeat his opponents who are using magic or esper powers. But anyways, the battles are well fought out, with some surprises in some of them and some epic sights in some others that can send a chill down your spine ((+_+)) Another thing that's great about the battles are that they are exciting. There are so many unknown and interesting powers in this anime, so it's nice to see some cool effects and think about how the main character will defeat the opponent.

Other stuff, ost, op etc:
I still can't get the opening songs from ToAru out of my head. They are so amazing and match the anime perfectly. Also the osts are so simple, yet so compactable with the situation that they are used in to create a fun, or an epic battle moment. (^∀^)ノ

Bottom Line:
With such interesting powers, special personalities, epic battles and a well composed story, all placed in a beautiful city with an amazing fresh feel to it, i can only recommend everyone to watch it. It's definietly one of my favourite animes atm and i'm glad that i started watching it. (・∀・ )


Well then that's my opinion of that, guess i'll see you guys later. Cha!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
My fav animes (atm):
Toaru, Elfen Lied and Clannad ( *^▽^)

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2012, 01:50:34 am »
To Love-Ru/Motto To Love-Ru


Nothing much to say......I'm a fan of ECCHI, COMEDY, and ROMANCE. :)

I'm ready for TO LOVE-RU DARKNESS!! after a long time of waiting! :D

Offline Krozam

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2012, 06:48:31 pm »

I'll save you the heated rant I'd like to write, and keep this short. It's really bad, especially as an adaptation, but also on its own. Five light novels crammed into 13 episodes, the last of them being almost entirely anime-only, it's obvious that the result is incredibly rushed. The only reason I forced myself to take the torture all the way to the end is because I wanted to see certain scenes from the novels animated. Usually I was disappointed, but sometimes, especially the 4th episode, it was okay. I'll give this 2 stars, because the musics are great, the art & animation are good, and the characters stayed surprisingly well in character. And because of that single good episode. While I recommend reading the novels, they are good, I also recommend steering clear of this anime, if you're like me and dislike wasting time on below average anime.

Scrapped Princess

To balance the negative review of Campione, I have something really good for you. I saw from the start that Scrapped Princess is good: I established my expectations at 4 stars during the first few episodes. However, I didn't expect it to keep getting better and better. The characters are likeable, deep and multi-dimensional; the plot is excellent; there is quite a lot of depth; the entertainment value (battles, comedy etc.) is fairly high; the production values are high for an old-ish anime (2003); and both the concept and the settings are quite interesting. Apart from the first 4 episodes, I marathoned this entire anime last night: I didn't want to stop despite being very tired for hours before I was finished. I was about 20 episodes in when I realised that it had long ago surpassed the 4 stars point, and I was watching a clear 4.5- or 5-star anime.

If I had to name weaknesses in the anime, I'd say that a few of the characters are a bit too emo, it might annoy some viewers. But personally I wasn't bothered, because those characters seriously have hard lives, and they have plenty of other moods as well besides the angst. Another thing is that a couple of characters I'd have liked to see more developed didn't get the attention they deserve (mainly Raquel). However, most of the major characters were developed more than sufficiently, so it's a minor problem. The third thing is, the musics are a bit meh. Not bad altogether, but the OP and ED should have been changed into more somber ones halfway down the road, and the BG musics are just average stuff that supports the story well enough, but never really caught my attention.

The special thing about this anime is what it does with the classic fantasy adventure concept that it starts with. It gets darker towards the end, there is tragedy you wouldn't expect from such a light-hearted OP (which is why I skipped it after a certain point: it no longer fit the mood of the story); it blends in scifi elements (I love ancient technology in fantasy settings!); and while it doesn't avoid all the clichés, some of them it explains, gives them reason, unlike any other fantasy anime/manga I've ever seen/read. How often do you actually get a valid explanation why the fantasy worlds seems to be permanently stuck in the middle ages? The ending is great, it's climatic and unpredictable, though there are a few minor things I would have done differently.

Besides the ancient technology, the story has other elements I really like, such as humans struggling against gods, so you could say that a part of the favourable tone in my review is because the story is very much up my alley. However, looking as objectively as I can, this is still a very high quality story with lots of depth and no major weaknesses. There were more than a few scenes where I teared up, a couple where I actually cried a bit, so I have a fairly heavy emotional investment on some of the characters. A damn good anime. 5/5 stars.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 05:45:02 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2012, 11:10:39 pm »
Macademi Wasshoi!

Huh... That was one hell of ride. Magic and explosions, fanservice and harem comedy, this energetic parody anime is a bucketful of sheer fun. The only exception is the 11th episode, which is much, much more serious than the others and acts as the climax to the almost non-existent plot. I had a lot of fun watching this, my only small complaint is that the male lead is a bit useless, the harem ends up doing most of the work. It's a shame this was only 12 episodes long, I would've gladly watched more. 4/5 stars, because of the immense entertainment value. - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2012, 09:12:48 am »
Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!

Better than I expected. Yes, it's a generic harem anime where I couldn't even bother memorising everyone's names, and yes, you can guess the sister already in the second arc, but still, the plot was surprisingly good.

(click to show/hide)

Anyway, as a whole the anime kept my interest pretty well: the comedy is okay, and as I said, the plot is actually quite good for a generic harem anime. I'm holding on to the dim hope that the OVA will have a conclusion instead of being a pointless fanservice episode... 3/5 - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2012, 05:30:24 am »
I just watched Special A. It was good and I had the time, so I marathoned it all at once. One of the best romance anime I've seen. Even though it's shoujo with a tomboy girl for main character and a perfect guy for a male lead, it's not the kind of shoujo I dislike. The guy isn't a cold bastard and the girl isn't in love with him - the concept is more like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, the guy is after the girl, who's freaking oblivious to the notion of liking someone, she only sees him as a rival. So, the guy makes sure he beats her in everything, so she doesn't lose interest in him. It works surprisingly well.

Another thing unlike most shoujo manga/anime is that the secondary characters get a fair amount of focus and character development, even their own romances (one of which is almost better than the main one, unless you really dislike the violent tsundere archetype). There's also a pretty conclusive ending, though it's obvious that the anime cut the story short, there's no way it could have gone through 17 volumes of manga in 24 episodes. The characters really grew on me, and I teared up a couple of times.

One thing bothered me in the beginning: the character designs are worse than Clamp's, with their straight, ridiculously long legs. But the art style improved over time, and what bad parts remained, I got used to.

As I said, one of the best romance anime I've seen. 4/5 stars. In comparison, Maid-sama, which is one of my favourite shoujo romances, got only 3.5. Shuffle got 4. Toradora and Kaitou Saint Tail got 4.5, though, they had an even stronger emotional effect on me. - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2013, 06:25:14 pm »
I just finish uta no prince sama. I really like the ending..

Offline Kuroneko

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2013, 01:04:45 pm »
Mayo Chiki

Awesome anime with a few ecchi scenes. I really like this anime for its ecchi and a bit of romance it blends perfectly for me for its genre is like balance where in you would'nt get bored but some scenes are predictable in a whole new different word. This is so awesome to even my brother love this but what my younger brother and i loves the most is the scene wherein sakamaCHI KINjirou got sick episode 4 i guess. well glad to share some thoughts about anime to this group.

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2013, 12:30:16 pm »
Kagihime Monogatari – Eikyuu Alice Rondo - (torrent)

This series dates back to 2006 so it's a little bit old-school, but it was worth the re-watch: Aruto is a big fan of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and does some fan-fiction writing himself. He strongly wishes there was a third Alice novel. One night he sees a magical bunny-girl bouncing across the rooftops and he follows her to the library. He discovers that (mainly large-breasted) girls battle in this Wonderland Space to gain each others' stories. When all the stories are combined, they will form a third Alice novel - The Eternal Alice - and grant a wish.

The plot is sufficiently twisty with some action, some ecchi, magical girls and a hint of wincest. There are 12 episodes and a silly special for #13. I don't think it deserves a full Enticing to Watch thread writeup but it was a fun ride and rates a good 4 out of 5.

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What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2013, 05:48:33 pm »
I got a 4 TB external last week and I copied the best of my ancient .avis to an old 2 TB drive. This is now plugged straight into the big screen's USB. It saves a little time avoiding the desktop to thumb drive to laptop to HDMI to TV route. I stumbled upon Krozam's post above and I foolishly started watching Scrapped Princess off that drive yesterday afternoon. I hadn't seen it in almost a decade and it ranked pretty good in my faded memory ...

Now that I've finished an accidental 24 episode marathon, awake for well over a day now, "pretty good" is an understatement. "FRACKING AWESOME" might be more accurate. Krozam did a much better job than I can (in my sleep-deprived state) of explaining why the show is so excellent. So I'll just close with a 4.9 out of 5.0 and a torrent link. G'night!

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2013, 07:05:32 pm »
I got hooked to it as well and ended up watching the end through tired eyes. I don't let just any anime in my 5/5 club. ;) - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2013, 06:20:49 am »
Kiniro Mosaic

This was a cute little slice of life series with some good laughs. Nothing extraordinary: A Japanese girl named Shinobu goes to visit England for a homestay as a child. She meets and later befriends a cute and shy English blonde named Alice even though they only understand a word or two of the other's speech. Shinobu goes home. Alice learns Japanese and comes to Japan years later in her first year of high school.

I'm not archiving it and probably won't watch it again, but it wasn't a waste of time. The ED song was also quite catchy in a big band sort of way. I'd give it a 3/5.

Edit: Dexter

I also just finished off the final Dexter season. I have happy memories of marathoning the earlier seasons with my late father year after year. It's sad that he missed the final season. I'm not sure how I would have expected the writers to end the show, but I felt a little dissatisfied by the way they chose. Still an intriguing watch.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 01:34:13 pm by Hanover Fist »

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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2014, 04:55:07 pm »
Kyoukai no Kanata
I like this anime quite a bit for its funny, snappy dialogue and strong mood. It also has moe girls and standard KyoAni animation, so it's very aesthetically pleasing. A decent male protagonist and entertaining, well-animated action. The plot is so-so. I could've given this 4 stars if not for the cheap ending, which drops it down to 3½ stars.

Witch Hunter Robin
One of my early anime from about 8 years ago. My third watch. Everything about this anime is slow, from general pacing to the way the characters walk. There's a bit of quite decent action in most episodes, though, and the ending is suitably climatic. At first the show is very episodic, but the main plot that kicks in at ep 11 is sooo good. I love those moments when everything you think you know about the story world is turned upside down. The mood is powerful, melancholic, further enforced by the fantastic OP song. The downside is, the story is almost completely devoid of humour. The characters are realistic, mostly not very stereotypical, and most of them have decent depth. Iwasaki Taku's great soundtrack completes the package. Overall, a great anime, 4/5 stars.

Hataraku Maou-sama
I could've sworn I wrote some kind of a review of this when I finished the show quite long ago, but apparently not. Anyway, I rewatched some action scenes today, figured I might as well add a short review of it in this post. The show is mostly comedy and slice of life, and unfortunately, I don't like the comedy. I cracked a smile maybe once an episode. The characters are also not that interesting or deep, and most of them are quite stereotypical. I'd have dropped the show after the first ep, but someone (Danyo?) convinced me to keep going. Well, at ep 5 I knew why. Most of the action moments are superbly dramatised, and whenever Maou has a bit of magic to use, he's fucking badass. The action moments alone were quite worthy of suffering through everything else. 3 stars. - anime | reviews
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Re: What Did You Just Finish?
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2014, 07:13:28 am »

Quite decent for a slice of life romcom with a little magic for spice. It doesn't try to be the most original story, but what it does, it does fairly well. It even had a plot in the last 4 eps (disregarding the OVA). I wish it'd started a little sooner, the result would have been less rushed. Not that the ending as a whole is rushed, just the one exposition episode, which dumps a lot of character history on the viewer in one go. After that, the ending is nicely paced, suitably climatic, and pleasingly definite. The romance is pretty cute, the comedy is decent, and the cast is likeable enough. The male lead is quite okay, and the girl they chose for main heroine (it's based on a VN by Windmill Oasis) was probably the right choice. I like the show slightly more than the anime adaptation of Windmill's later VN, Shukufuku no Campanella. 3/5 stars. - anime | reviews
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