
How did you first stumble upon Doki?

I learned about Doki without anyone's recommendation.
A friend told me about Doki, so I looked it up.
I was searching for a subbed show on a search engine and it directed me here.
I saw a Doki release on _____'s torrent site and wanted to check out their other releases.
Doki releases fansubs?  I only came for the C-Box, forums, and IRC.
I don't know or remember anymore!
Other (Please Describe Below)

Author Topic: The First Time You Came To Doki  (Read 43746 times)

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The First Time You Came To Doki
« on: October 26, 2011, 08:03:52 am »
Remember when there used to be a dozen different polls on the main page?  How about when Holo first decided to create a site blog?  Perhaps were you here since the beginning of Doki? 

Members of the Doki family came to this site at various times from all around the world.  As Doki Fansubs celebrates its Second Anniversary, we would like to know more about the members of our community, their interests, and the reasons for initially coming to Doki.  We hope that by learning more about you, Doki can continue to provide optimum content and enjoyment to all the members of its community.

The Humble Roots of Doki - circa October, 2008

Please feel free to describe your initial impressions of the site and how those might have changed over time.  Thank you for your participation and continued support!
I make a point of trying to improve myself each day so I'll be better prepared to take on the next.  It feels good!

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 09:18:46 am »
From a DDL forum -- you know, those forums whose members give out tons of DDL links for them to gain money from those DDL sites. I lurked there in the Anime uploader's section until the day I asked myself why I never looked closely at their filenames -- they have those other text in front of the actual name of the anime series. I started looking at those [Eclipse], [gg], [Coalguys], [SS], [SFW], [Nutbladder], [UTW], [Conclave], [Menclave], etc. -- whatever they were, I thought. I didn't know back then.

Google and I became partners and through his help, I figured out how fansub groups work. However, before I ever came to the sites of these groups, I first started appreciating the work of those japanese voice actors and of those in the fansub groups. I never downloaded English-dubbed stuff since then. A time nonetheless came when I realized I have to check those fansub groups' sites to know more about them. This was when I first visited Doki.

A while later, I became more aware about which groups frequently drop projects (which I hate), the ones frequently making grammar mistakes (irks me a little), the ones using Engrish (Ah.. *ahem* ...yako), and those who don't even know the terms in the show they're doing (still Ah-Yuck-Oh).

Frankly, back then I just sorted out fansub groups into "good" and "bad" categories. When the world wasn't so black and white anymore, ranks sort of formed and Doki quickly rose to the top of my list of favourite fansub groups. This is the time when I joined the forums.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 09:44:27 am by Chadwicke »

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 03:00:43 pm »
I've been here pretty much since the beginning - since they started subbing Haruka S2. I was looking around for a decent sub group for that anime, and somehow ended up here. I don't exactly remember how. I was just a lurker back then, though, I only "joined the community" when the first forum was opened - I used to be the top poster there, until that forum went down. :( I started using the C-box even later.

I like the community here. Most people here are nice and sensible. I also appreciate the facts that Doki provides steady quality, doesn't drop shows, and doesn't troll. I think I'll be here for as long as Doki exists.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 02:14:00 am by Krozam »

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 04:29:31 pm »
I started visiting the Doki site very early on, 2-3 episodes into Haruka's Secret s2. At first it was just to check out a new fansub group and see if I wanted to follow them. Over time Doki has earned my trust with good subs & styles, consistent releases and no dropped series. I've never exclusively followed any one group and I'm not very picky when it comes to shows I'm only mildly interested in. However when it comes to shows I really like and want to archive I want the best I can find for the HD space I'm willing to use [3.4 TB of video, ~2 TB of that anime, most 480p, 720p more often in the last couple years]. There's always some show(s) each season where I'm following Doki.

I became more involved in the community when the first forum went up. I made a couple forays into the C-Box when the forum was down to fill the void, but chat boxes/rooms just aren't my thing. I'm a creature of habit and have been using some of my archaic tools [NyaaTorrents, BakaUpdates, Mininova, Isohunt ...] for finding fansubs for years. However, even this old dog has learned some new tricks [DDL sites, BakaBT], thanks to some of the posts I've read here.

I enjoy the relatively troll- and spam-free environment and I'm having fun with the games. I also greatly look forward to the translated Tomoyo After VN. While I do my best to wait patiently and not clamor for updates on when something is going to come out, a very rough ETA on Tomoyo After would be appreciated. ;)

Thank you much for all of your hard work over the years and I'll continue to follow your releases in the future.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 04:51:06 pm by HanoFist »

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2011, 07:11:14 pm »
I came when I discovered they were subbing Ano Hana much better than this other group.

And the? Well, it's technically history but that was about 5 months ago. So...
I didn't like all those pics in my sig...


Offline Seiryuu

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 04:00:12 am »
Ok since Clannad Man asked I'll post.
I've been lurking Doki since maybe Feb/March 2010 and the 1st thing I watched from them was F/sn.
I found them through MAL when I was looking who subed F/sn BDs.

Other than that I've dled most of the things they've released even if I haven't watched it all yet.
(yes I've got like 300 GB of backlogs and that doesn't count the LNs, VNs, and rpgs)

I've only started using forums and cbox for about 2 months though.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 06:49:24 am by Seiryuu »

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 04:09:13 am »
was looking for a fansub that subbed nogizaka haruka and doki's site popped up on google back in
november 09

i guess this falls under:I learned about Doki without anyone's recommendation.
i accidently voted other sorry

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 09:38:03 pm »
I used to translate unsubbed Japanese films as a hobby. I'm not a computer-y person and I didn't know anything about timing or encoding, so I basically just took Chinese .srt files for existing rips of movies and edited them in Notepad, replacing the Chinese lines with English ones. ^^

I did about seven or eight films like that, mostly posting them anonymously or semi-anonymously to various subtitle websites. The last one I translated, Colorful, was later translated and released by Doki, and it was through that that I met Holo, who asked me to join his group. I hadn't watched any anime fansubs in years and years, and didn't really know Doki nor any modern fansubbing groups. I was also a bit freaked out at releasing my crappy translations with any sort of fanfare. But somehow I ended up saying yes anyway. And now I've been here for a good few seasons. :'D

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 10:42:14 pm »
first time i came to doki i was looking for a BD version of a anime, after that i stayed for the chat xD (and the BDs ofc)

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2011, 02:22:04 pm »
Was a long time lurker well a little over a year and have been downloading most of Doki's releases since mostly due to the great quality put into them. I can't remember the first series I downloaded but I know there are only a few I haven't but anyway I guess I just stumbled here on accident initially.

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2011, 01:03:12 am »
I first learned of Doki from a good friend of mine.
He said they completely and totally sucked because they didn't sub Naruto.

In the beginning of 2010, I didn't know or care much for anime or fansubbing, the only anime I'd ever been following in Japanese was Naruto with my friend.
But piqued by interest in how a group could do something "terribly" I looked into the group, and I liked what I saw. I started following them with their newest release: "Kanon (2006) -16" and I downloaded various releases from them throughout the year. I hadn't downloaded any full series until The Kiss x Sis BD's, and I decided to quit doing what I was doing beforehand (3d model structures and bitmaps), to join this group and learn something new.

My alias is odinigh: Patience is my strength and spectrum is my soul. Here I shall stay because there's no place better in my eyes. This is where I started subbing, and this place will always be my home(page).

Here's to the Leechers. May they forever enjoy the releases as much as the members enjoy working on them.

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2011, 01:18:08 pm »
Found and switched to doki after Shinji dropped Purezza. Been following them from episode 2+ and there after.
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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 12:52:32 pm »
I first heard about this group from a BakaBT discussion about Clannad blu rays.

I'm STILL waiting for a good Clannad + After Story blu ray release, more than a year after I watched Clannad.  Currently waiting on either Doki or Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (ZUM) to provide me with some Clannad awesomeness.  Used to think I would get my Clannad blu ray release from MII, but that group no longer exists and the leader (IX) is now part of ZUM.  ZUM seems to be about as active as a paralyzed snail, so it seems very likely that I will get Clannad blu ray from this group, once the hi10p versions are finished.

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2011, 12:57:12 am »
I came along in early October of 2010 and I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had miraculously discovered that there were animes such as To Love Ru that were perverted without being hentai and had plots (ecchi). After having watched To Love Ru(My very first ecchi!) I had heard of another such series, Ladies vs. Buttlers, and when I tried watching it on a streaming website I was appalled at the excessive censorship. After hearing that you could find an uncensored version of it from fansubbers and would be able to see boobs, I googled "Ladies vs. Buttlers uncensored" and Doki's release here:


Was the first thing that came up. I dl'd that and the specials and was very impressed with doki's quality. Then when I saw you guys were doing Motto To Love Ru I stuck around and I've been here ever since. (Though I wasn't really a talker in the cbox until December)

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Re: The First Time You Came To Doki
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2011, 04:02:01 am »
I remember going a lot at http://onepieceofbleach.com/ to watch my animes on streaming back in Summer 2010, then I decided to download TLR from a general torrent indexer, Isohunt (I didn't know nyaa.eu existed ¬¬)


At first, I didn't know what was Zero-Raws so I downloaded some episodes from them only to rage afterward XD.

Then I finaly downloaded s1 from "I don't remember who cause I erased the fansub name lolwut?" with a mix of .avi and .mkv, I was finding this pretty strange at the time allready!

When I was done with that I wrote on google "motto to love ru fansubbing" and got something like this : http://anime.fansub.tv/s1706/Motto-To-LOVE-Ru/ which I didn't quite understand, but the second choice was http://doki.co/category/to-love-ru/ . So I ended up on Doki and stayed here cause there was tons of subbed shows ^^. It also took a while before I started camping on the cbox during all 2011's summer and met everybody of my cbox generation oO XD.