Author Topic: Your Favourite Manga  (Read 64499 times)

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Your Favourite Manga
« on: July 12, 2011, 09:50:39 am »
The topic says it all.

Tell us about your favourite manga.

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 10:28:30 pm »
My fave is The World God Only Knows, followed by Railgun and Saki. xD

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 11:20:53 pm »
My favourite is definitely Fruits Basket. Looking at it objectively, I can see that it has its problems, and I've read manga that I think are better. But no other one has had anywhere near the same impact on me, and I doubt any ever will. ^_^ I started reading it at a very dark point in my life. I was kind of circling the drain emotionally, I had completely lost track of who I was and where I was going, and I had a deep seated distrust of others. Though it might sound silly, through reading Furuba all of that started to change. I found so much to admire in the gentle life lessons the manga delivered, and in the wonderful, altruistic attitude of its lead character. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to see the world the way she did, to greet people with the same gentle warmth, and to always look to tomorrow with the same optimism. Through my admiration of Tooru, I gradually learned to love the world and the people in it, and I learned to see the good in people, and perhaps even the good in myself. The changes were subtle to begin with. Nobody can change completely overnight. Still, within hardly a year my days were filled with more sunlight and joy than I knew existed in the world. And now, four or five years later, I'm simply worlds away from where I was then. I'm genuinely glad to be alive. I love my family, I love my friends, I love my tutors, and I love most every moment of every day that I'm on this earth. ^_^

Of course I'm not naive enough to believe that life is like a shoujo manga. The real world has more unhappy endings than happy, and sometimes things don't go right no matter how hard you try. Still, even if Furuba has a tendency to sugarcoat things, I feel there is a great deal of wisdom in the attitudes it presents. And I believe the morals it promotes are extremely noble ones to pursue, even if any real person would have trouble adhering to them as closely as Tooru does. In short, I feel like I owe Natsuki Takaya and her characters a great debt of gratitude. ^^ I'm not going to be melodramatic and say that they saved my life, but they led me to so many wonderful people, and helped me to gradually start to become a person I could almost be proud of. They might not have saved my life, but I'm thoroughly convinced that they helped me make it something worth living. ^_^ Whether Fruits Basket is actually good or not is completely irrelevant. All I know is that it made a genuinely meaningful difference to me at a very crucial juncture in my life. And even if I one day forget all about Japanese pop culture, it will always be important to me.

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 04:04:05 am »
My manga/manhwa top 5:

1. Shin Angyo Onshi. Impressive from the first chapter. Beautiful art, deep and multi-dimensional characters and an intriguing, dark, complex plot. And deep themes, of course, I could never call a story my favourite without those.
2. Angel Sanctuary. Another one with a complex, epic plot and dark overtones. And fairly deep themes. Back when I read this, incest wasn't so common a theme as it is now.
3. Mahou Sensei Negima. The best long shounen series I've read. Never lets me down, it's epic, entertaining and simply awesome. Gets way better after the first couple of volumes.
4. Aflame Inferno. Gets better all the time, the latest chapters are VERY impressive. Dark, entertaining, awesome and goes way beyond what you'd expect after the first couple of chapters.
5. Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy. Epic western fantasy mixed with Asian martial arts fantasy, and it totally works. It's probably the most epic comic I've ever read and it's got everything that I like about fantasy.

Ironically, I haven't finished any of these, and while the three last ones are incomplete, the two first ones have been complete for a long time. I just haven't got around to finishing them. They're the kind of stuff I really love, but only when I'm in the mood for such deep, dark and heavy stuff. Which isn't often.

Shin Angyo Onshi, Aflame Inferno and Id are manhwa. I don't read as much mahwa as I read manga, but those that I read tend to be really good...
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 04:09:03 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 10:53:09 pm »
My Top 11. In no Particular Order (Except #s 1&2. Those take their respective Places)

1. Baba Yaga. Dark and twisted. This is one of my all-time favorites. Bending psychological Thriller/Horror, Suspense, and One-sided Shojou-ai. Only Four chapters released with raws of any other hardly seen. Still, I've read those four chapters hundreds of times since 2009. Two tankobons are out...hmm I wonder what ever happened.
2. Tsukiyo no Fromage A Fantasy Slice-of-Life with Shojou-ai elements. This anime is probably one of the cutest I have read. Its nice, endearing and just a great relaxing manga
3. Countrouble A generic Supernatural RomCom. WHy do I love it so much? I don't know, it is just a fun series full of Romantic Mishaps
4. Otome wa Boku Ni Koishiteru Just as I love the anime I love the Manga also. It is nice, endearing and another great relaxing manga
5. Otome wa Boku Ni Koishiteru: Futari Wa Elder The Sequel of Otome wa Boku Ni Koishiteru. Set about 4 years later so we see no characters from the fist series. The sequel is also a great series and in the five chapters I have read I like more than the first OtoBoku.
6.Hajimete no Aku Everyone has one long series they read from the beginning. For me it is Hajimete no Aku. Spanning over 100 chapters, it is a great series full of Fanaticism, Mistakes, Ecchi and Tsundere Pettanko meganeko.
7.To Love-Ru Darkness My Super Ecchi manga. I liked the Original To Love-Ru and was sad to see it go with a horrible ending. The sequel gave me back my love for the manga series and even more oppai, harem and brocon than I can wish for.
8. Sora No Otoshimono Complete Ridiculous. Sora no Otoshimono has succeeded with giving nonsensical Ecchi Comedy played Seriously, Drama, Plot, and Action all in a good balance to keep us entertained and not turned away. Unfortunately the mangaka's other serieses, Goudere Bishoujo is too Nonsensical and more like a sexual gag and He~shenin gives us Ecchi with boring Golf
9. Asa made Jugyu Chu This one again is just purely for ecchi. Except instead of a harem it is a comedic Teacher. Student thing
10. Mangaka-san to assistant-san to This manga is great. Come on, it is about a perverted mangaka and his life trying to be number #1 while drawing an Ecchi Manga. It has a huge cast, which is one of it's flaws. Tons of the characters are only seen in one chapter or in two chapters back to back and basically barely seen again. (Neko-Mangaka, Middle-schooler, Trap Editor)
11. Himitsu no Akuma-chan I still can't really believe I like this manga. It is essentially a Ecchi Gender-Bender Shounen-ai. I hate Shounen-ai. But The whole plot and predicament is just so funny and makes the main guy so pathetic I still read it. I just cloud my mind to think the Trap is just infact a toned pettanko

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 12:45:31 pm »
Im only really reading 3 things atm due to the fact im lazy so they kinda default as my favourites

Naruto - Not much to really say this. Either you like it or you dont

To-Love-Ru - Pretty awesome with a decent er.. plot yeah plot.. (Mikan, Momo and Yui ftw)

To Love-Ru Darkness - Awesome follow up to an awesome manga. Need i say more

If im not to lazy i will update this when i get the chance to read some others
SO much love...
Firstly, DAMN YOU ZERPO for picking three of my favourites.
Damn you Zerpo =_=

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 11:13:15 am »
i actually have more than 50 mangas that i read, but the top 3 i like are:

Kimi no iru machi- No reason, i just LOVE IT!

Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu- Romance, Nuff said:P

Nononono(No4)- i like it for two reasons, first, its because it was made by the mangaka who made elfen lied which i loved!!, reason two is that i like skiing.

i will update later as i read further in my current mangas^^

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 06:45:24 pm »
Most of the manga I read have come after I've seen the anime. Usagi Drop was one exception (turns out I borrowed it from a friend rather than finding it online).

Anyway, I have an overflowing full bookshelf with manga and graphic novels, so here's the best of the best in my eyes.
Black Lagoon: The destruction continues in the manga. I saw the TV series first, got ahead on the manga and I'm looking forward to the visuals for end of the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA.
Genshiken: Completed 9 volume series about college-level manga, anime and game otakus.
Gunslinger Girl: I'm happy Seven Seas has taken over this title and will finally be releasing new content after the infinite stall by ADV.
Gunsmith Cats: I picked up the original manga series after the 3 ep OVA years ago, happily, this is continuing in Gunsmith Cats Burst.
Maid Sama: Slowly catching up to the Kaicho wa Maid-sama series in the manga format.
Yotsuba&!: Cute and funny series by the author of Azumanga Daioh.

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2011, 08:47:52 pm »
Actually, let me put Iris Zero into the fourth place, after all. I forgot how great it is. - anime | reviews
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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2011, 07:59:39 pm »
its tough to decide on a order the ones i like so i'll just post in a random order

Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy
Sora No Otoshimono
Fairy Tail

almost all of them are well known :)

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2011, 05:53:07 pm »
I would have to say that Lotte no Omocha is my favourite manga with Naruto coming as a close second.

Fullmetal Alchemist was good all the way back when it was new (before brotherhood).
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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2012, 08:40:27 am »
Can't remember. I'll just stick to the one that has been keeping my interest over the last few months:

Kimi Iru Machi - Still continuing and i wish there was a anime version of it.
It like a romance/drama story with some comedy which i find funny. Plus i like the storyline.
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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2012, 11:29:02 am »
That'd be Kimi no Iru Machi, right? I liked it at first, but then it started to turn infuriating the same way that Suzuka was, so I dropped it.

For Thingy's knowledge: never ever read Seo Kouji's manga. The man loves unnecessary drama and painful love triangles and all that stuff. Compared to you I'm tolerant with that stuff, but even I hate these manga. The worst thing is, the art and storytelling aren't actually that bad, you can get hooked pretty quickly, you might even like the characters a lot - all of which serves to enhance your rage when the unnecessary drama starts and things go wrong.

Well, the part about the characters only applies to Kimi no iru Machi, though. In Suzuka I hated the characters from the start. A cold bitch and an idiot who for some unfathomable reason can't stop liking her no matter how much she mistreats him. KimiIru starts much better, the characters seemed warmer and more sensible... but yeah, then the relationships got messed up and I forced myself to stop reading before I'd start raging. >.<

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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2012, 04:21:58 pm »
Hmm... After catching up with Id and Negima, I had to re-think my top list:

1. Shin Angyo Onshi.
2. Angel Sanctuary.
3. Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy.
4. The World God Only Knows
5. Iris Zero

Id keeps getting better, but Negima has disappointed me recently. I'll have to complete Shin Angyo Onshi and Angel Sanctuary soon, so I can finalize the list. I'm sure these five names will say, but I only have the three latter ones in fresh memory, so I'm not sure of the order.

Edit: Gah! How could I forget TWGOK?! Also, decided to drop Negima from the list instead of Iris Zero after all.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 04:44:26 am by Krozam » - anime | reviews
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Re: Your Favourite Manga
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2012, 12:58:22 am »
I like anime more than manga but... I guess SGT. Frog followed by Jing- King of Bandits.
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