Author Topic: "ef – a fairy tale of the two" gets an English hardcopy release from MangaGamer!  (Read 23767 times)

Offline Rokudaime

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"ef – a fairy tale of the two" gets an English Limited Edition hardcopy release from MangaGamer!:

"We’re proud to announce that pre-orders for the hardcopy of 'ef - a fairy tale of the two.' is now open!


ef - a fairy tale of the two. Limited Edition (hardcopy)

MSRP: $59.95

Developer: minori

Rating: ESRB Adult Only

On Sale: Dec 24, 2014


This Limited Edition will feature both ef - the first tale and ef - the latter tale for the special price of $59.95! In addition to featuring both games, this Limited Edition of ef will also include a special Uncle Yuuko sticker in honor of minori’s call for Western support in our upcoming eden* and Supipara endeavor! Of course, the best part will be the 120pg artbook specially arranged for this English Limited Edition release!

Copies are indeed limited, so pre-order your copy today!"

I've already preordered my copy. I have the download versions from before, so it's a bit annoying to buy the game twice, but I really want that artbook.
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.