I remember going a lot at
http://onepieceofbleach.com/ to watch my animes on streaming back in Summer 2010, then I decided to download TLR from a general torrent indexer, Isohunt (I didn't know nyaa.eu existed ¬¬)
http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=to+love+ruAt first, I didn't know what was Zero-Raws so I downloaded some episodes from them only to rage afterward XD.
Then I finaly downloaded s1 from "I don't remember who cause I erased the fansub name lolwut?" with a mix of .avi and .mkv, I was finding this pretty strange at the time allready!
When I was done with that I wrote on google "motto to love ru fansubbing" and got something like this :
http://anime.fansub.tv/s1706/Motto-To-LOVE-Ru/ which I didn't quite understand, but the second choice was
http://doki.co/category/to-love-ru/ . So I ended up on Doki and stayed here cause there was tons of subbed shows ^^. It also took a while before I started camping on the cbox during all 2011's summer and met everybody of my cbox generation oO XD.