Author Topic: Any updates regarding LB EX?  (Read 67294 times)

Offline TGES

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Any updates regarding LB EX?
« on: February 18, 2014, 01:59:32 am »
Was wondering when there would be a official update in regards to the LB EX status, ever since Rokudaime left the mix there has been little in the way of updates.

Keep up the good work.

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 07:26:32 pm »
Yeah, I took my job seriously. Looks like there aren't anyone around who are willing to spend much time answering questions and post updates these days. Tsk tsk. :P
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

Offline TGES

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 03:58:56 am »
Proven by the fact you were the first/only to reply.

Here are some questions I have if anyone can answer these I would be grateful.

Is the project dead? 

If not what is needed to get it across the line?

Offline Senretsu

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 10:17:19 pm »
Was wondering when there would be a official update in regards to the LB EX status, ever since Rokudaime left the mix there has been little in the way of updates.

Keep up the good work.
Well, isn't needed any official answer to know this, the project is dead, more than 6 months without any update, Clannad is the same. is a shame that they have only 1/2 saya to finish, and they aren't doing a shit

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 06:44:30 pm »
Was wondering when there would be a official update in regards to the LB EX status, ever since Rokudaime left the mix there has been little in the way of updates.

Keep up the good work.
Well, isn't needed any official answer to know this, the project is dead, more than 6 months without any update, Clannad is the same. is a shame that they have only 1/2 saya to finish, and they aren't doing a shit

Nope. You're wrong. I don't know about LB (though I assume it's the same with them), but Clannad is being worked on (I know this from visiting the VN channel on IRC), though like I said before I quit, it'll likely be at least another 2 years before it's finished at the rate it's going. But anyway, many of you guys are apparently under two misconceptions, that I'll point out for you:

1. You believe translating VN's takes months of work, and no more than a year. This is wrong. It usually takes several years. All the more so if it's a huge VN like those that Key have made.

2. You believe that no updates for a long time means a project is dead. This is not necessarily true. Sometimes VN fansub groups go for ages without saying anything about the progress, and then all of a sudden you'll see a release post out of nowhere instead of an update post. I myself have seen this happen many times with different VN's translated by different groups.

This may be due to the fact that oftentimes, there isn't much to report or say when it comes to the progress, as it would often just be how much of the text has been translated, and it's often hard to make an arbitrary percentage measurement of how much text is left to translate. Then there are other things that needs to be done that are even harder to measure.

Another reason could be that the group simply doesn't feel like it needs to provide you with constant updates all the time, and I'm inclined to agree with them if this is the case (I have a sneaking suspicion that it is). You just need to be a lot more patient, and less demanding, and get used to it, like me. I've downloaded English patches for several VN's over the years, and I'm used to the projects taking a long time to finish, and there being little in the way of news on the way. I'd say it's more the norm than not. Clannad has been in the works under more than one group, for god knows how many yeras, so at this point another few years to or fro doesn't matter to me. I'll just go and grab the patch once it's eventually done, instead of hanging around waiting and asking for updates all the time, since that would just be pointless, boring, and frustrating most of the time.

Cheers and hang in there. Good things come to those who wait. ;-)
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 06:55:14 pm »
Also, other than that, I'll refer you to shawurai's replies about the progress on both Clannad and LB, in these two respective forum threads, both of which were posted last month (this is another thing. You guys really need to stop making several new topics in the forums asking the same thing, when it has already been asked in a different topic just a little while ago. Read the existing topics and the posts within them, instead of making a new topics and asking the same thing someone else has already asked a little while ago. There are already way too many LB progress topics, all of which are easily visible at the top of the VN subforum):
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Offline Senretsu

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 12:44:07 am »

1. You believe translating VN's takes months of work, and no more than a year. This is wrong. It usually takes several years. All the more so if it's a huge VN like those that Key have made.

Well, Ixrec translated rewrite (+100.000 lines) in 9 months. i'm not asking for this speed, Ixrec is not a normal human, but well, dont tell lies you aren't translating the whole VN, just 3 routes (LB EX) or one route (AS, Clannad)  and you have 2/3 routes of LB EX translated if we put together what is still untranslated of LB EX and Clannad AS it even isn't A SINGLE ROUTE OF REWRITE, so, don't say that you are on a huge VN, because you have only 10% of a VN or less to translate, then you are just lazy as hell.
I'm not demanding for a translation, this is free and i can't demand anything, but  we are not stupid, just give what you have translated to another fansub and let another fansub finish what you won't finish.

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 08:03:03 pm »

1. You believe translating VN's takes months of work, and no more than a year. This is wrong. It usually takes several years. All the more so if it's a huge VN like those that Key have made.

Well, Ixrec translated rewrite (+100.000 lines) in 9 months. i'm not asking for this speed, Ixrec is not a normal human, but well, dont tell lies you aren't translating the whole VN, just 3 routes (LB EX) or one route (AS, Clannad)  and you have 2/3 routes of LB EX translated if we put together what is still untranslated of LB EX and Clannad AS it even isn't A SINGLE ROUTE OF REWRITE, so, don't say that you are on a huge VN, because you have only 10% of a VN or less to translate, then you are just lazy as hell.
I'm not demanding for a translation, this is free and i can't demand anything, but  we are not stupid, just give what you have translated to another fansub and let another fansub finish what you won't finish.

I'm not lying about anything, I was talking about the whole process from when Fluffy first started working on vanilla LB, up until where they and Doki currently are with LB as a whole. I wasn't just talking about what is left to do. And even then, translating the text isn't everything, there is also typesetting, image editing, lots of programming, etc. Fansubbing a large VN from start to finish usually takes years, unless you're either superhuman and/or prioritize it before everything else in your life (which most people obviously won't do), even if a few select impressive individuals manage to do it super-fast, like Ixrec (TakaJun from Mirror Moon, the group that translated Type-Moon's VN's Fate/stay night, Tsukihime and others, also springs to mind). That's what I said, and I stand by it. That's also how it is more often than not with VN fan translation projects, which you'll quickly see if you take a look at how long many of the ones out there have been in the works.

And Clannad (the main game and AS) is not just one single route lol, it has several, and while smaller than Rewrite, it is still a HUGE VN. One of the largest out there. It is listed as being Very Long on VNDB. All the text that has already been translated needs to be gone through again and proofread anyway (though of course this part is well underway by now), since that's what's this patch is all about: raising it to the standard you want and expect of a perfectly complete patch.

And the fact that you're saying stuff like "just give what you have translated to another fansub and let another fansub finish what you won't finish." suggests to me that you haven't been paying attention to the process this VN has been through from start to finish so far. It has after all already shifted hands from one fansub group to another before, and it has been in the loop since as far back as 2007. It has been in hibernation and then revived again multiple times since then. I really don't think it would be in anyone's best interest for something like that to happen yet another time, so it would probably be better that the project stays with Doki until it is finished.

Now learn to be patient like me, stop constantly nagging, and be more grateful. Also, remember that people not working as fast as you want on one specific thing (a hobby and service done for free no less) does not necessarily mean they are lazy people at all. Many people have a life, and have many other much more important things to do that are both time consuming and require a lot of work and effort to get through, meaning they'll need to be anything but lazy in order to cope.
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Offline Senretsu

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2014, 12:51:34 pm »
They aren't maybe lazy as i said, i don't know but i didn't want to say it sorry for that, but the proof that they are doing nothing respecting translating VNs is that this forum is dead, only you are answering us, and you aren't even a mod anymore, well this is sad, no more to say, my opinion is that we won't see Clannad or LB full translated in less than 50 years.

Offline TenguSan

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2014, 10:57:30 pm »
They aren't maybe lazy as i said, i don't know but i didn't want to say it sorry for that, but the proof that they are doing nothing respecting translating VNs is that this forum is dead, only you are answering us, and you aren't even a mod anymore, well this is sad, no more to say, my opinion is that we won't see Clannad or LB full translated in less than 50 years.
You asked about LBEX, and you got reliable and reasonable answers. If you choose to ignore information just to maintain your speculations, that's your flaw.  I don't see the point in making a thread and inquiring about a translation if you are going to simply ignore all of the given answers and say "I'm right and you're wrong because I say so".  Covering your ears and whining because you aren't hearing what you want to hear both makes you look bad and wastes everyone's time, as well as being extremely rude.

Offline TGES

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2014, 12:31:33 am »
Sorry I did'nt mean to be complaining I was just wondering if those questions could be answered, seeing as they cannot that is totally fine. This is the first VN tranlation i have ever waited for so your response is very welcome coming from someone with a lot of experience with these things. 

Offline Rokudaime

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2014, 08:11:36 pm »
Sorry I did'nt mean to be complaining I was just wondering if those questions could be answered, seeing as they cannot that is totally fine. This is the first VN tranlation i have ever waited for so your response is very welcome coming from someone with a lot of experience with these things.

It's fine, don't worry about it. ;-) Senretsu was the one doing the complaining anyway.
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.

Offline aoishiro

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2014, 03:11:49 pm »
Just want you to know, there's still a whole lot of people like me who waited for this. We kept silent but, deep in our heart we yearn for it. I don't really care if it sounds cheesy, it's the truth anyway.

What happened if you never release it as a full game. Well, i would feel really sad. It's on my bucket list you know. I want to read it before i'm dead is all. could you grant me that wish?

BTW, Learning Japanese is an impossibility for me, just so you know.

Offline Senretsu

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2014, 02:48:37 pm »
See now your ''reliable answers'' Tengu? months later and even they don't check this forum anymore, even the forum is dead.
Also, this is reliable information, 0 lines in 1 year
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 09:15:40 pm by Senretsu »

Offline bronx819

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Re: Any updates regarding LB EX?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2014, 11:21:50 am »
See now your ''reliable answers'' Tengu? months later and even they don't check this forum anymore, even the forum is dead.
Also, this is reliable information, 0 lines in 1 year

That's rather assholeish of you dontcha think? They don't have an obligation to make any patch, they're using their own time, which they could instead use for more useful activities like school or having fun, so we have no right to demand or complain about their progress. Yes having weekly or even monthly updates would be reassuring and nice but we can't decide that, rather than point out the lack of progress just because you're not satisfied you could use your time to learn Japanese so you wouldn't need 'reliable' translators. See how TGES was polite enough to ask for any info and even thanked Roku for the answers he got, not saying that you should say please and thank you but a little more consideration would be nice yeah?